Serenity - vom "Buffy"-Erfinder

Begonnen von Newendyke, 26 April 2005, 23:56:23

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Mr. Krabbelfisch

"Our games are not designed for young people. If you're a parent and buy one of our games for your child you're a terrible parent.
We design games for adults because we're adults." - Lazlow Jones (Developer Red Dead Redemption)

Arthur Spooner

Zitat von: Hanselel am 20 März 2007, 18:41:03
Wird es nicht geben.

Man sollte nie mals nie sagen. Aber die Hoffnung das es noch weiter geht werde ich noch nicht verlieren.

Mr. Krabbelfisch

Zitat von: Arthur Spooner am 20 März 2007, 18:48:53
Man sollte nie mals nie sagen. Aber die Hoffnung das es noch weiter geht werde ich noch nicht verlieren.

Es kommt eher ein neuer Kinofilm oder DTV Film als das die Serie fortgesetzt wird. Die Rechte der Serie hat FOX und Whedon hat gesagt das er auf keinen Fall mehr mit FOX zusammenarbeiten wird.
Irgendein Studio wollte FOX mal die Serien Rechte abkaufen, FOX Bedingungen waren aber wohl, dass erst nach 7!! Jahren neuer Stoff produziert werden dürfe.
"Our games are not designed for young people. If you're a parent and buy one of our games for your child you're a terrible parent.
We design games for adults because we're adults." - Lazlow Jones (Developer Red Dead Redemption)

Mr. Krabbelfisch

"Our games are not designed for young people. If you're a parent and buy one of our games for your child you're a terrible parent.
We design games for adults because we're adults." - Lazlow Jones (Developer Red Dead Redemption)

Mr. Krabbelfisch


Ich hoffe das bleibt so, hammer geiles Cover. Freu mich immer mehr auf die Edition.
"Our games are not designed for young people. If you're a parent and buy one of our games for your child you're a terrible parent.
We design games for adults because we're adults." - Lazlow Jones (Developer Red Dead Redemption)


ZitatSo after all is said and done, was Serenity profitable? Do you consider it a success?

Joss Whedon (JW): It's a success to the studio or else we wouldn't be doing a special edition DVD. They actually admitted as much on paper, which you know studios are loathe to do, and that was actually from the theatrical. Theatrical was a disappointment, as everyone knows, but it did go into the black. Then the DVD came and they took me aside and said "We can't keep these things on the shelf. We want to do a special edition." And I didn't want to hear that because I knew it would have to be a truly special edition to make me happy. There had to be a real reason, some real goodies.

So what will the special edition have for us?

JW: We took some stuff from the region two version; the making of – a really beautiful one that's a bit longer. It has the first read through for the movie with the cast, two years after the show ended. And it has the River Tam sessions, the stuff I did on the internet with Summer. We got to do another commentary too, Nathan, Summer, Ron and Adam – I made sure it didn't go the same direction as the first commentary. It feels like this version will be something more for the people who would tend to buy both.

And they expect to sell around a kajillion copies?

JW: I believe it's around eleventy kabillion.


So give me hope for a Serenity II

JW: Hope for it probably rests with this DVD.

Well I'll buy one.

JW: Actually I will too, people ask me why I would buy my own DVD and I tell them do you have any idea how awesome it is to buy your own movie?

So then you're saying we've got a chance?

JW: Well it's probably not being discussed in boardrooms right now, but the fact of the matter is if it makes enough money sooner or later they say "hey, this is money!" Also there are paradigms that are much cheaper, it doesn't have to be enormous. But on the other hand I'm happy to say all of my actors are working very hard. It's not the same situation where we all threw in for pennies because we had to finish telling that story. Now that situation might be harder to bring about.

Also alle die neue US SE kaufen! :icon_mrgreen:

Ich hab jedoch sehr wenig Hoffnung, dass es eine Fortsetzung geben wird. :icon_sad:

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