Der offizielle Fun-Thread.

Begonnen von Bessi, 7 Juni 2003, 16:46:10

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0 Mitglieder und 4 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


Crumbs Video ist nicht zu toppen, für eine lange Zeit.  :rofl:


Dafür gibts ne Runde Kindermilch!

"Shoot first, think never!" - Ash


4 Juni 2014, 21:23:48 #10711 Letzte Bearbeitung: 4 Juni 2014, 21:27:00 von harrycanyon


"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

- Benjamin Franklin



"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

- Benjamin Franklin



"Mit nichts als Phantasie erschufen wir unsere Welt aus dem Nichts."


20 Juni 2014, 09:04:27 #10716 Letzte Bearbeitung: 20 Juni 2014, 09:06:22 von RoboLuster
Bears Who Think They're People:

1. This bear with a totally justifiable response to a lion.

2. This bear giving some scientists a hand.

3. This bear who knows he can dance if he wants to, and he can leave your friends behind.

4. This bear just chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool.

5. This bear who just doesn't understand her cub's life choices.

6. This bear catching up on how his stocks are doing.

7. This bear just clearing up after a long shift.

8. This bear making some dinner.

9. This bear who's looking for his friend.

10. This other bear trying to find his friend. But who is a bit cooler.

11. This bear who's just going to take a seat.

12. This bear who really doesn't agree with the directions they're travelling in.

13. This bear who's just waiting for his friends to turn up so they can have a picnic.

14. This bear who will wave, but doesn't really want to.

15. These bears also waving back.

16. This bear just getting his exercises.

(OK, technically it's a Red Panda.)

17. This bear who took a tumble on the ice.

18. This bear pondering the meaning of life.

19. This bear who could really use this, thanks.

20. This bear who's annoyed it's his round.

"Shoot first, think never!" - Ash


21. This bear drinks his own urine.


...and shows his dick.  smoking

Spaß beiseite, sieht er nicht aus wie halb Fassbender halb Bale?^^

Hab das mit dem Urin auch gesehen... aus der Schlangenhaut. "Ist zwar giftig, aber man überlebt eine Stunde länger." So ungefähr.  ;)
"Shoot first, think never!" - Ash




"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

- Benjamin Franklin


Mr. Blonde




Es gibt viele, die nicht reden, wenn sie verstummen sollten, und andere, die nicht fragen, wenn sie geantwortet haben.


They offered me a psych pension. Jackpot, right?
And I said no. (True Detective)

You can never escape me. Bullets don't harm me. Nothing harms me. But I know pain. I know pain. Sometimes I share it. With someone like you. (Batman - Year One)

What? I'm a collector. I tell you fuckin' much! (Captain Baseball Bat Boy)

Time wounds all heels.


GOOOOAAALLL !!! -  A GOAL !!!!!!! AGOAL AGOAL AGOAL  :icon_mrgreen:

Triumph Watches The World Cup, Part 1
They offered me a psych pension. Jackpot, right?
And I said no. (True Detective)

You can never escape me. Bullets don't harm me. Nothing harms me. But I know pain. I know pain. Sometimes I share it. With someone like you. (Batman - Year One)

What? I'm a collector. I tell you fuckin' much! (Captain Baseball Bat Boy)

Time wounds all heels.


und der Vollständigkeit halber (--> don't mess with a German Shepherd)

Triumph Watches The World Cup, Part 3

They offered me a psych pension. Jackpot, right?
And I said no. (True Detective)

You can never escape me. Bullets don't harm me. Nothing harms me. But I know pain. I know pain. Sometimes I share it. With someone like you. (Batman - Year One)

What? I'm a collector. I tell you fuckin' much! (Captain Baseball Bat Boy)

Time wounds all heels.


They offered me a psych pension. Jackpot, right?
And I said no. (True Detective)

You can never escape me. Bullets don't harm me. Nothing harms me. But I know pain. I know pain. Sometimes I share it. With someone like you. (Batman - Year One)

What? I'm a collector. I tell you fuckin' much! (Captain Baseball Bat Boy)

Time wounds all heels.


die Welt ist sooooooooooo schlecht!  :bawling:

es wird doch immer schlimmer hier?  :eek:


"Jedes Publikum kriegt die Vorstellung, die es verdient." -Mario Barth
◾ Originalzitat von: Curt Goetz

(aus den Känguru Büchern)

Mr. Blonde


"Jedes Publikum kriegt die Vorstellung, die es verdient." -Mario Barth
◾ Originalzitat von: Curt Goetz

(aus den Känguru Büchern)

Mr. Blonde

11 Juli 2014, 00:55:48 #10736 Letzte Bearbeitung: 11 Juli 2014, 01:01:36 von Mr. Banane


Street Fighter Crazy Drunk Russians Edition: http://youtu.be/nIz7rz3WOtM

"Ich will jetzt nichts mehr hören, von wegen keinen Job, kein Auto, keine Freundin, keine Zukunft und keinen Schwanz." (der Meister - Gran Torino)


Filmklassiker auf Fossilienseite? Na, freut mich doch immer, wenn meine beiden Hobbies sich treffen.
Es gibt viele, die nicht reden, wenn sie verstummen sollten, und andere, die nicht fragen, wenn sie geantwortet haben.

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