Terminator Zero (Netflix Anime Serie)

Begonnen von StS, 31 Juli 2024, 20:06:39

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31 Juli 2024, 20:06:39 Letzte Bearbeitung: 31 Juli 2024, 21:07:35 von StS

A new judgment day arrives from Skydance, Production I.G, Masashi Kudō and Mattson Tomlin in the anime series TERMINATOR ZERO. There is no fate when TERMINATOR ZERO premieres on August 29th (Judgement Day) only on Netflix.

Nice. Und das nicht nur, weil sie für den Trailer das feine Lied aus den 90ern verwendet haben.  :happy3:
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Liebe Ursula,
wünsch dir frohe Ostern, nen tollen Namenstag und nen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 1978!
Grüsse aus der Alzheimergruppe, deine Tante Günther!

Ich hasse Menschen, Tiere + Pflanzen. Steine sind ok.

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