Dragon Dynasty (Weinstein US Label für asiatische Filme)

Begonnen von Dexter, 21 Juli 2006, 21:52:54

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Ist zwar eine ältere News die ich noch hatte, aber nach dem SPL Thread sollte das trotzdem interresant sein

Die Weinstein Brüder werden bald ein neues Label mit dem Namen Dragon Dynasty starten. Scheint als werde das eine "Art" Hong Kong Legends aus den USA werden. Bey Logan, der Hong kong Legends kürzlich verlassen hat, ist nun bei Dragon Dynasty. Wenn man sich das so durchliest hört sich alles recht gut an.

Achtung ne Menge Text :icon_mrgreen:

Continuing their passionate dedication to bringing Asian films to American audiences, Bob and Harvey Weinstein are proud to announce the unveiling of Dragon Dynasty, the dynamic new label under which all The Weinstein Company's Asian titles will be released, including "Ong Bak 2," "The Protector" (aka "Tom Yum Goong") , "Born to Fight," "SPL," "Seven Swords," and "Dragon Squad," as well as a package of high profile titles, which was licensed from Fortune Star Entertainment: the distribution division of News Corporation's STAR Group which owns the world's largest contemporary Chinese language feature film library. The 43 Fortune Star titles, together with a special collection of 50 classic Shaw Brothers' movies and a number of independent acquisitions, including John Woo's seminal productions, "The Killer," "Hardboiled," "Bullet in the Head," and "A Better Tomorrow 1 & 2," combine to make The Weinstein Company the leader in Asian Cinema in North America.

Quentin Tarantino, who is well recognized for his passionate interest and broad knowledge of Asian cinema, will actively work with the Weinsteins in all aspects of brand development for Dragon Dynasty. The Weinstein Company's Dragon Dynasty library already includes films
starring some of Asia's hottest actors such as Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Stephen Chow, Donnie Yen, Michelle Yeoh and Sammo Hung, as well as titles from legendary filmmakers John Woo, Yuen Woo-ping and Corey Yuen Kwai, amongst others. The company has ambitious plans to continue building the library,and will be acquiring titles across all genres of Asian film such as contemporary action, martial arts, epic swordplay and hi-octane thriller. The titles selected for theatrical distribution will be released by The Weinstein Company, and all home video output will be managed by Genius
Products, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: GNPI).

The Weinsteins originally acquired the collection of Shaw Brothers' movies during their tenure at Miramax Films and brought the titles with
them to The Weinstein Company as part of their settlement agreement with the Walt Disney Studios.
The Weinstein Company will redefine the presentation of Asian Cinema on DVD, and is developing a number of Special Edition packages for its new brand, including 2-Disc Platinum Editions of Jet Li's world-acclaimed "Fist of Legend" and "Tai Chi Master." Each Dragon Dynasty DVD will possess a unique and carefully crafted identity, and will include many groundbreaking, informative and exclusive special bonus features such as rare behind-the- scenes footage, deleted scenes, out-takes, and specially commissioned documentaries and interviews featuring cast members, filmmakers and celebrity enthusiasts of Asian film. Peter Poon, General Manager of Fortune Star, stated, "Fortune Star is excited to work with TWC and their specialized team in bringing our popular titles at the highest quality for DVD release to the US market. The launch of Dragon Dynasty will be a tremendous boost to the Asian Cinema as it will now have a more powerful access to the American audiences."

Donnie Yen stated, "I'm delighted that my film SPL will be one of the lead titles for Dragon Dynasty. Harvey has put a great team together for the brand, and I look forward to collaborating with them on the upcoming release of Seven Swords. Finally, we Asian action film-makers have a proper platform to present our work to the international audience.
" Sammo Hung stated, "I hope this new label brings more fans to our films, so that we have an even bigger audience in the future. I'm very happy to see SPL, Dragon Squad and some of my older films released by Dragon Dynasty. I'm a heavy hitter myself, and its good to see TWC throwing its weight behind our industry!"
Harvey Weinstein stated, "Bob and I are extremely passionate about Asian Cinema and have always been enormous fans of Asian filmmakers from Akira Kurosawa to John Woo. We started building a library of Asian titles years ago and hope to continue adding to it for years to come. Bob and I are proud to launch Dragon Dynasty and hope to continue bringing Asian cinema the recognition it deserves. Alan Bergman and the Disney team have been incredibly cooperative with the collection of Shaw Brothers' movies."
Brian White stated, "I am really excited to be building the Dragon Dynasty brand with Harvey and Bob. Their passion and dedication to the genre is really quite extraordinary, and our collective goal is to produce imaginative, visually-dynamic, feature-laden DVD titles, which are designed to take the presentation of the genre to a new level of excellence, and bring to the widest possible audience all that is special and unique in the World of Asian Cinema."

The Weinsteins also announced today that Brian White has been named Director of Asian Brand Management and Post-production for The Weinstein Company's Dragon Dynasty. Brian White will work closely with Hong Kong based Executive Vice President of Asian Acquisitions and Co-production, Bey Logan, on all Asian acquisitions, on identifying projects for Dragon Dynasty, and will be charged with overseeing all aspects of the new brand. White will also be responsible for all creative aspects of the development and construction of the Dragon Dynasty DVD titles. White is based in London, and will report to both Bob and Harvey Weinstein.

Prior to The Weinstein Company, White served as Brand Manager and DVD Producer at Contender Entertainment Group and with Medusa Communications & Marketing Ltd. As brand architect, White played a pivotal role in the creation of the acclaimed Hong Kong Legends label in 1999 with Medusa Communications & Marketing Ltd, before launching sister label Premier Asia, a brand dedicated to the cinema of Japan, Korea and Thailand, in 2003. As a Brand Manager, he was instrumental to the ongoing commercial success of Hong Kong Legends and Premier Asia, spearheading the acquisition, marketing and PR strategies, and creating a unique 'positioning strategy' for the brands, which generated millions of units sold. As a DVD Producer, White has produced over 120 DVD titles for Hong Kong Legends, Medusa, Premier Asia, and Contender Home Entertainment Group. Beginning in 1999, working with the team at Medusa, he also pioneered a restoration program for the classics of Hong Kong Cinema, including the Golden Harvest Bruce Lee titles, thus creating a new benchmark standard for the presentation of Asian Cinema titles on DVD.

The Weinsteins have been involved with many highly acclaimed and financially successful Asian titles in the past including the record box
office hit "Hero," the Academy Award nominee "Farewell My Concubine," "Iron Monkey," the animated hit "Princess Mononoke," the Japanese version of "Shall We Dance," Jet Li's "The Master," "Twin Warriors," "The Enforcer," "The Legend of the Swordsman," "The Legend," "The Legend II," and "Fist of Legend," Shaolin Soccer," starring Stephen Chow, "The Accidental Spy," "The Legend of Drunken Master," "Twin Dragons," "Operation Condor," "Supercop 1 and 2," all starring Jackie Chan, along with "Temptress Moon," and "Chungking Express," among many others.

Fortune Star Entertainment is the feature film and television programming, production, and distribution division of STAR, Asia's leading
media and entertainment company. Fortune Star distributes the world's largest contemporary Chinese language feature film library, including over 600 titles featuring Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Chow Yun Fat, Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, and renowned filmmakers John Woo, Yuen Woo Ping and Ronny Yu. Fortune Star also distributes STAR's television library of over 20,000 hours of top-rated Indian and Chinese programming. Fortune Star produces feature films and high- definition movies and will be developing new content businesses including wireless platform. Some of the titles acquired for Dragon Dynasty from Fortune Star includes "Police Story," "Police Story 2," "Crime Story," starring Jackie Chan, "Royal Tramp 1" and "Royal Tramp 2," starring Stephen Chow ("Shaolin Soccer," "Kung Fu Hustle"), "Millionaires Express," starring Sammo Hung (from the television show "Martial Law"), "Righting Wrongs / Above the Law," directed by acclaimed action-director Corey Yuen, and "Love Asia," Fortune Star produced with and starring Maggie Q ("Mission Impossible 3").

The Celestial Shaw Brothers' library encompasses approximately 760 films, including the world's largest collection of Chinese-language motion pictures and many classics of Hong Kong cinema, which have all gone through a state-of- the-art digital restoration process. Many of the world's most famous Chinese actors and directors worked at Shaw and the library represents the legacy of legendary impresario Sir Run Run Shaw. Some of The Weinstein Company's Shaw Brother's titles include "36th Chamber of Shaolin," "Eight Diagram Pole Fighter," and "Heroes of the East," all starring Gordon Liu ("Kill Bill"), "King Boxer," the first Hong Kong movie ever to be a worldwide theatrical hit, "Martial Arts of Shaolin," a classic title from Jet Li, "Come Drink With Me," starring Cheng Pei-pei ("Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon").


Zitatand is developing a number of Special Edition packages for its new brand, including 2-Disc Platinum Editions of Jet Li's world-acclaimed "Fist of Legend" and "Tai Chi Master

:eek: Sind schon gekauft!

ZitatThe Legend of Drunken Master

:eek: Kann nur besser werden als die Dimension...

ZitatRighting Wrongs / Above the Law," directed by acclaimed action-director Corey Yuen

:eek: YEAH!!!


Hoffentlich auch Titel wie Black Magic 2 / Seeding of A Ghost!!!

Sonst scheint das Label für Fans von asiatischem Kram sehr gut zu werden! Ein weiteres nebst HKL, Fortune Star oder HK Vidéo.

Gruss MPAA

Pai Mei

Sehr gute Nachrichten! Die Weinstein Brüder sind sehr fähige Filmleute. Deshalb sollte dahinter Qualität stehen.



Sind 2 Trailer drauf, ein SPL Trailer und ein Dragon Dynasty Trailer.

Wenn jemand die Art der Trailer und der Sprecher bekannt vorkommen, dahinter stecken die ehemaligen HKL Mitarbeiter. :icon_mrgreen:

Ausschnitte aus dem Dragon Dynasty Trailer sollen aus folgenden Filmen sein
Seven Swords
Tom Yum Goong
King Boxer
Heroes of the East
My Young Auntie
Martial Arts of Shaolin

Auch auf der Hompage
ZitatAlso Comming Soon to DVD "Quentin Tarantino Presents"The Shaw Brothers Collection, Jackie Chan's Police Story, Seven Swords and many many more!


23 August 2006, 00:24:48 #4 Letzte Bearbeitung: 23 August 2006, 00:26:41 von Conqueror
Zitat von: Pai Mei am 23 Juli 2006, 13:04:52
Sehr gute Nachrichten! Die Weinstein Brüder sind sehr fähige Filmleute. Deshalb sollte dahinter Qualität stehen.

Uahahahahahahahaha, reden wir von den selben Weinsteins? Denen, die Jahre lang asia movies aufs Brutalste vergewaltigt haben? - Und das "fähig" stellen wir mal in Fragezeichen.  ;)




23 August 2006, 16:01:17 #7 Letzte Bearbeitung: 23 August 2006, 16:03:10 von Conqueror
Zitat von: Ming am 23 August 2006, 04:49:13
@Conqueror: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ironie

Mit Ironie zu schreiben ist eine Kunst, die nicht jeder beherrscht. - Aber offtopic, und jedem seine Meinung.  ;)


Hat schon jemand DVDs vom neuen US Label gesehen und kann was zur Quali/Austattung sagen. Die Trailer machen ja schon ordentlich Eindruck, speziell die zu den Shaws und "Above the Law"


Hab von denen Above the Law mit Cynthia Rothrock und Yuen Biao. Im Prinzip sieht die DVD aus wie in den guten Zeiten von HKL, man merkt da schon, dass bey Logan die Strippen im Hintergrund zieht. Die Menüs sind ähnlich, das Bonusmaterial ähnlich engagiert produziert, der Logan-AK ist natürlich auch dabei und die Technik des Films selber ist tadellos. Nur zu empfehlen.


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