Grindhouse von Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez

Begonnen von EL-ToRRo, 31 Januar 2006, 22:19:23

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So sieht das offizielle Drehbuch (Review ist ja hier im Thread zu finden) von Quentin´s Episode aus:

"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")

Mr. Bill

Zitat von: StillerMux am 19 April 2006, 18:57:55
Hier steht, dass die Dreharbeiten inzwischen fortgesetzt werden und Salma Hayek schuld an der Pause sein soll.

Die Dreharbeiten werden fortgesetzt. Ganz klar. 100%ig ist aber nicht geklärt, warum der Film unterbrochen wurde. Da gab es die Enthüllung, dass Rodriguez seiner Frau fremdgegangen ist und sich von ihr getrennt hat (sie ist Co-Produzentin des Films), die Geschichte mit der Ausstellung und Hayeks Bildern, Gerüchte um das Überziehen des Budgets.

Also, alles nur Gerüchte.

So wie es aussieht, wird Tarantino seine Dreharbeiten im Mai aufnehmen, nach der Präsentation des heute (24.4.) beginnenden QT Festivals.

Weitere Infos zu Grind House findet ihr HIER

Infos zum 7. QT Festival (Best of Festival) hier


Cast Lands on Rodriguez's Planet Terror
Source: Variety, May 19, 2006

Freddy Rodriguez, Rose McGowan and Josh Brolin will star in Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror, a 60-minute zombie movie to be accompanied by a slasher film directed by Quentin Tarantino and released under the title Grind House by Dimension Films.

Dimension will release the film -- a tribute to the '70s exploitation films that influenced both directors -- on Easter weekend next year. This past Easter saw a record-breaking holiday weekend for Dimension with the release of Scary Movie 4.

Casting hasn't been announced for Tarantino's Death Proof, which also will run about 60 minutes.

Marley Shelton, Michael Biehn, Jeff Fahey, Michael Parks and the Black Eyed Peas' Stacy Ferguson also star in "Planet."

The two pics will be surrounded by faux trailers created by Tarantino and Rodriguez.
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")

Mr. Bill

So wie es aussieht, wurde jetzt durch die Weinstein Company bekannt gegeben, dass der Film auf den 6. April 2007 verlegt wurde.
Naja, jetzt heißt es noch mehr warten...

Hier die News:

Weitere Infos zu Grind House hier:


Tarantino & Rodriguez Talk Grind House
Source: MTV, Entertainment Weekly, June 23, 2006

Interesting new details have appeared online this week about Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's Grind House, which Dimension Films will release on April 6, 2007.

First up, MTV talked to the duo and Rodriguez revealed another casting and mentioned a possible sequel, to come from the faux trailers that will run between the two pics:

Speaking about the trailers, Rodriguez added: "I can't say anything about it because those are really surprises. Danny Trejo ['Con Air'] is in one, but there's another one that's huge. People are going to wish that one was the movie." Finally, Rodriguez dropped the bombshell that there is already talk of a "Grind House" sequel, which would bring the fake ads from the first flick to fruition. "If those trailers are great enough," he revealed, "they might be part of the feature we do for the next 'Grind House.'"

Entertainment Weekly has another interview with the two and they both talk about the stories for their segments:

Tell me about each of your Grind House films...
TARANTINO Our original idea was to do a horror double feature. The genre I wanted to tackle was slasher films, because I'm a big fan of late-'70s, early-'80s slasher films. The only thing was, what makes them so good is the genre is so rigid. And I had an idea about a guy who kills girls with his car as opposed to a machete, and I put it in a slasher-film structure. Other than the big car moments, though, my thing could be a Eugene O'Neill play. These girls just talk and talk and talk. If it wasn't for the car stuff, I could do my thing on stage.

So it's like Christine meets Long Day's Journey Into Night...
TARANTINO Yeah, but with more slasher elements! [Laughs] It's called Death Proof. I'm casting right now; more than likely the killer will be Mickey Rourke.

Robert, tell me about your film.
RODRIGUEZ Mine's a zombie movie called Planet Terror. It feels like a John Carpenter movie that took place between Escape From New York and The Thing. I wanted to do a zombie script a while back because there hadn't been any good zombie movies in a while. I got about 30 pages into it, and then all these zombie movies came out. So I thought, Well, I don't have to make them zombies — there could be other reasons why they're like this. They're infected people. Quentin, what's that story?
TARANTINO There was this Umberto Lenzi zombie movie in the '70s called Nightmare City, and a while ago some friends of mine were going to meet him in Rome, and I told them to tell him how much I loved Nightmare City. And they told him. And he goes, ''Zombies? What's theees zombies? They're infected people!''

That full interview is available here:
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


'Grind House' Casting Becoming Mass Confusion

This is becoming harder to follow, and report on, than Showtime's Masters of Horror anthology. With cast being announced, dropped and then recast - the shoot being put on hold and other problems arising, I don't know how anyone could have the cast listing correct for Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino's Grind House, which hits theaters April of '07. Inside you'll learn more about the cast, like how Rose McGowan will be in both Quentin's 'Death Proof' and Robert's 'Project Terror' and how Mickey Rourke is not in the film anymore (sigh). Read on... and for gods sake, try and keep up!

Film Ick reports:

"Not only will Rose McGowan be appearing in Robert Rodriguez' Project Terror, she'll also be popping up in Death Proof, Tarantino's half of the Grind House package. She joins Zoe Bell, Rosario Dawson, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

No idea yet what role Ms. McGowan has, but trust me, she's in there, it's a fact. The gossips amongst you are bound to spell out exactly how and why she's getting this double-duty in the comments section below.

Project Terror has pretty much wrapped, with no "first unit-style" work to be done, while Death Proof is yet to really get moving.

The original script for Death Proof, some details of which have leaked, and the dialogue from which has been regulalry criticised, has apparently just undergone a bout of rewriting. I hear that there have been a number changes made to the dialogue - and now, reportedly, not only is Tarantino happier, so are his confidants and colleagues. I don't know, yet, just how much has changed, or if, in fact, there have also been any plot or structural changes.

Death Proof has a fairly radical structure, shifting emphasis quite suddenly part way through in a way that has brought a lot of comparison to Psycho. I think that conceit is quite safe.

[And here comes that update...]

There's also a part, I have just been informed, for one Quentin Tarantino. He's playing a character called, simply, The Rapist. Wonder what he's like, then?

After this and Richie Gecko in From Dusk Til Dawn, you could be excused for thinking Rodriguez wasn't trying to tell us something about his chum. Tarantino might not be the best actor in the world but I reckon he can pull this one off in fine style - he certainly knows the pitch of these films perfectly."

Then they continue with more:

"I can now report, and sadly, that Mickey Rourke will apparently NOT be playing Stuntman Mike in Death Proof. The role seemed tailor made for him, but then so did Bill for Warren Beatty.

Also note that Rose McGowan's character in Death Proof now appears to be, as a matter of fact, her character from Project Terror, Cherry. Depending on which plotline is supposed to take place first, you can expect to see her with both of her original legs, or just one, and a weird kind of spare. Trust me - that'll make sense when you see the movie(s).

Source: Film Ick

(Bloody Disgusting)
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")

Mr. Bill

Auf der diesjährigen Comic-Con 2006 in San Diego, USA wird am Samstag das erste Mal offziell etwas über Grind House bekannt werden. So wird zumindest gehofft. Es werden einige Cast-Mitglieder anwesend sein und auch wohl Rodriguez selbst. Ein erstes Bild vom Grind House Stand konnte Harry von AICN im Vorfeld machen... Ebenfalls ist bekannt geworden, dass Mickey Rourke nicht in Grind House spielen wird.

Vom 20.07. bis 23.07.2006 findet wieder die Comic Convention in San Diego statt. Am Samstag, 22.07. werden einige Cast-Mitglieder auf der Con zu sehen sein. Der offizielle Auftritt wird zwischen 11:45 und 12:45 stattfinden.

Wie auf den beiden Fotos zu sehen ist, wird der Teil von Robert Rodriguez doch Planet Terror heißen, nachdem er zwischenzeitlich Project Terror hieß. Das Poster sollte das bestätigen.

Achtet auch auf dem unteren Bild auf die Beine von Rose McGowan.

Ebenso ist bekannt geworden, dass Rose McGowan in beiden Teilen von Grind House zu sehen sein wird. Aber Mickey Rourke dagegen wird nicht mit von der Partie sein.

Zum Inhalt (Achtung, eventuell Spoiler):
So wie es scheint, wird Planet Terror ein Film im Film Death Proof sein. Es werden weiterhin zwei separate Filme sein und es werden beide nacheinander gezeigt, nicht einer im anderen. Aber, wenn man Death Proof sieht, in der Welt, in der die Story spielt, dann ist Planet Terror nichts weiter als ein Film (Frei übersetzt, Link siehe unten).
Die Rolle von McGowan sieht vor, dass sie Cerry in Planet Terror spielt und in Death Proof die Schauspielerin, die Cerry spielt.

Man kann also gespannt sein. Mehr an dieser Stelle

Hier noch drei coole Bilder:

Größere Ausgaben der Bilder gibt es auf Q-Tarantino.de

Bilder Grind House


"Granatenstark" wie Bill und Ted sagen würden... 

heiße Braut:




Hallelujah! Rose wird in beiden mitspielen, that's good. Die Lady is verdammt heiß... Zudem sind das Poster ja mal ohne Ende geil aus. Jetzt bin ich aber echt mal gespannt auf den Film!!
They offered me a psych pension. Jackpot, right?
And I said no. (True Detective)

You can never escape me. Bullets don't harm me. Nothing harms me. But I know pain. I know pain. Sometimes I share it. With someone like you. (Batman - Year One)

What? I'm a collector. I tell you fuckin' much! (Captain Baseball Bat Boy)

Time wounds all heels.


SDCC '06: Kurt Russell Joins Grind House!
We're still sitting here live at the 'Grind House' panel at the San Diego Comic Con and while fans are asking questions we've got another major scoop for you... Snake Pliskin himself, Kurt Russell, has joined the cast of Tarantino's 'Death Proof'. He will be taking the role of Stuntman Mike, which was recently abandoned by Mickey Rourke. Watch for more news throughout the day and for more on 'Grind House' later this week.

SDCC '06: 'Grind House' Becomes Feature Length
Just before Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriquez blew our mind with footage from 'Grind House', they made a major announcement here at the San Diego Comic Con. "The film is two full f-cking movies for the price of one," Tarantino tells the audience. He then explains that one of the Weinstein's exclaimed "people are going to feel ripped off by other movies!" Watch for what looks to be the greatest movie evvverrr in April '07.

Source: Bloody-disgusting.com
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Zitat von: StS am 23 Juli 2006, 00:53:47
Snake Pliskin himself, Kurt Russell, has joined the cast of Tarantino's 'Death Proof'. He will be taking the role of Stuntman Mike, which was recently abandoned by Mickey Rourke.

Lol. Finde ich ne sehr gute wahl für die Rolle. Der Typ hats immer noch drauf, den abgehalfterten, runtergekommenen, draufgängerischen Cowboy zu spielen.
They offered me a psych pension. Jackpot, right?
And I said no. (True Detective)

You can never escape me. Bullets don't harm me. Nothing harms me. But I know pain. I know pain. Sometimes I share it. With someone like you. (Batman - Year One)

What? I'm a collector. I tell you fuckin' much! (Captain Baseball Bat Boy)

Time wounds all heels.


"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")

Mr. Krabbelfisch

Das Poster mit Rose und dem Bein ist ja mal nur geil O_O. Hoffentlich bekommt man das irgendwann so zum Kauf angeboten.

"Our games are not designed for young people. If you're a parent and buy one of our games for your child you're a terrible parent.
We design games for adults because we're adults." - Lazlow Jones (Developer Red Dead Redemption)

Mr. Bill

Kurt Russell ist der Star in Tarantinos Teil "Death Proof" in Grindhouse.

Alle Infos zum Auftritt bei der Comic Con in San Diego, Stimmen und vor allem die ersten Szenen aus dem Film findet ihr auf Q-Tarantino.de

Hier der direkte Link zum News-Beitrag:

Kurt Russell in Death Proof - plus weitere GRINDHOUSE News

News auf Q-Tarantino.de


Now what I really want to talk about is GRIND HOUSE... the greatest horror film ever made. I know what you're asking – "you've seen it?" No I have not, but I don't need to, the footage we saw was enough for me to safely say this will be one of the best horror films ever made. The footage we were shown looked like George A. Romero's 'Dawn of the Dead', only if it had been shot with the technology we had today. We got to see people get hit by cars and explode, zombies chowing down on human guts, explosions and best of all Rose McGowan rockin' an automatic weapon as a leg. My first gut reaction to the gun as a leg was "lame", until I saw the footage. Rose is chillin' on the back of a motor cycle blowing off zombie heads with the gun, then she's rolling on the ground and aiming it at more zombie scum. We also got to see the Danny Treo commercial, which Tarantino and Rodriquez said they'd like to make a feature in the sequel. Explaining what we saw doesn't do it any justice; you just have to see it. The way they made the film look only added to the sheer excitement it evoked. They made it look like a grind house film carrying black lines across the screen and tons of positive and negative dirt. It looks completely authentic to the '70s other than the effects they added. This is going to be one hell of a ride, so hang on!

Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez each will direct a feature length horror tale including fake movie trailers in between both movies. Rodriguez's part, "Project Terror," will be a zombie pic, while Tarantino's section, "Death Proof," will be a slasher seg featuring an indestructible car.

Source: Bloody-Disgusting.com
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")

mr. pink

Mhmm, also spätestens jetzt kann der Film meine Erwartungen gar nicht mehr erfüllen ;)
I expect that you think that I should be haunted
But it never really bothers me


Zitat von: StS am 24 Juli 2006, 15:56:31
...and best of all Rose McGowan rockin’ an automatic weapon as a leg. My first gut reaction to the gun as a leg was “lame”, until I saw the footage. Rose is chillin’ on the back of a motor cycle blowing off zombie heads with the gun, then she’s rolling on the ground and aiming it at more zombie scum.

Joa is denn heut schon Weihnachten ? Wie geil is das mal. Ich sach euch ich kanns gar nicht mehr erwarten. Rose is in einem Quentin-Film absolut gut aufgehoben. Und das Poster is so was von gekauft...
They offered me a psych pension. Jackpot, right?
And I said no. (True Detective)

You can never escape me. Bullets don't harm me. Nothing harms me. But I know pain. I know pain. Sometimes I share it. With someone like you. (Batman - Year One)

What? I'm a collector. I tell you fuckin' much! (Captain Baseball Bat Boy)

Time wounds all heels.


John Carpenter liefert den Score zu QT´s "Dead Proof". 
(AICN / Bloody Disgusting)
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Ich habe keinen Mann getötet... seit 1984


Habe mir jetzt den ganzen Thread durchgelesen. Das wird vieleicht einer der besten Filme EVER! Könnte in einer List mit From Dusk., Pulp Fiction und Sin City auftauchen. Freu mich wie eine Fliege auf ihren täglichen Scheißhaufen Jungs!! Der Film wird GEIL!!! Dazu dann der DC von Sin City Ende des Jahres und ich bin glücklich.  :dodo:
We'll never stop, we'll never quit, 'cause we're Metallica!!!
Meine Musik


"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


11 Oktober 2006, 15:31:47 #52 Letzte Bearbeitung: 11 Oktober 2006, 15:39:06 von Dexter
Ich glaub jedenfalls das es von der Comic Con ist. :icon_mrgreen:


:icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek:

Ist doch nicht von der CC, sondern von den Scream Awards

Mr. Vincent Vega

Oh je, da kommt wieder so ein Überhype á la SIN CITY auf einen zu...


Aber ein wie es aussieht ein ziemlich stylisher...  :D
Gore on!


WOW!!! :icon_eek:
Für sowas bin ich jederzeit zu haben!
Kann man den Quicktime Trailer irgendwo downloaden???

Grüßchen dayraver
Ich bin Jack’s vollkommenes Defizit an Überraschung.


Ja Wahnsinn.
So nen abgefahrenen Trailer sah ich lange nicht mehr.
Sieht nach leckerem Futter für mich aus.
Her damit . . .
Und beeil dich, ich mag den in den USA im Kino kucken . . .  ;)
I`m a tragic hero in this game called life,
my chances go to zero, but I always will survive.
( Funker Vogt - Tragic Hero )

What is your pleasure, sir? This is mine:


"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")



11 Oktober 2006, 21:14:16 #59 Letzte Bearbeitung: 11 Oktober 2006, 21:16:01 von Hana-Bi
Woran kann das liegen das mein Mund auf einmal so wässrig ist :D
Der Trailer ist ja wohl absolut GEIL :love:. Da kann nichtmals der 300 Trailer mithalten.

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