Schlagzeilen der Stars

Begonnen von Mr. Blonde, 17 Februar 2014, 07:03:24

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2 November 2017, 21:07:31 #150 Letzte Bearbeitung: 2 November 2017, 21:12:09 von Hitfield
Man muss da in der Tat unterscheiden. Besonders übel sind die Fälle Weinstein und Ratner, weil die sexuellen Übergriffe bzw. mutmaßlichen Vergewaltigungen immer mit Machtmißbrauch einhergingen (<-- bitte immer alles auch im Konjunktiv lesen, solange es keine Gerichtsprozesse gab). Nach dem Motto "Sex gegen Karriere" wie bei Asia Argento oder "Blowjob gegen Rolle" wie bei Natasha Henstridge.

Was Spacey angeht, finde ich den Fall schon zwiespältiger. Bei dem Vorfall Mitte der 80er war Spacey 26 Jahre alt und vor allem - auch dem Opfer zufolge - hackedicht.

Dann die anderen aktuellen Anschuldigungen gegen Spacey, Dustin Hoffman und Gianni Versace (der Vorwurf kam von Kevin Sorbo!): sexuelle Avancen, "hartes/offensives Flirten" und mehrdeutige Kommentare/sexuelle Anspielungen in die Nähe von Mißbrauch zu rücken, finde ich sehr problematisch, vor allem wenn sich alles nicht in einem beruflichen Umfeld mit Produzent/Regisseur- und Schauspielerin-Bezug abgespielt hat. Wo hier die Grenze ist, ist schwer zu sagen. Seinen Penis rauszuholen und durch die Gegend zu wedeln ist schon reichlich grenzwertig, aber auf Studentenfeten habe ich noch ganz andere Sachen erlebt (vor allem die Mediziner in spe waren die größten Säue :icon_smile:).

Womit ich besonders ein Problem habe ist der Vorwurf hinsichtlich sexueller Mehrdeutigkeiten. Das bekommt man im Deutschen nicht so mit, aber der Alltag gerade in Amerika ist voll mit diesen sexuellen Spitzen, Witzchen, Doppeldeutigkeiten usw., und das nicht nur in Filmen oder Late Night-Talkshows. Auf mich haben diese "Anzüglichkeiten", wenn man es negativ formulieren will, immer den Eindruck einer Ersatzhandlung gemacht, die dort Volkssport ist.

Und dann gibt es die Vorfälle, die hier am Thema vorbei sind. Zum Beispiel der mit Ben Affleck anno 2004, was ich eher für eine Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake-Sache halte.

Letztendlich gibt es noch die Ebene angesichts des aktuellen "Hypes", wo es absurd wird. So hat Lena Headey kürzlich Terry Gilliam (!) aufs Korn genommen, weil der als Regisseur mal "gemein" und "grob" zu ihr gewesen ist und sie bei der Arbeit "schickaniert" habe.
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."

Stefan M

Als ich gestern den Namen Dustin Hoffman bei der Debatte hörte, mußte ich unweigerlich an das Interview denken, das er bezüglich der Dreharbeiten zu "Die Reifeprüfung" in den DVD-Extras gegeben hatte. Darin erzählte er bereitwillig folgende Anekdote: Er und Katharine Ross seien seinerzeit sehr schüchtern gewesen. Um die Stimmung etwas aufzulockern, habe er seiner Filmpartnerin leicht in den Hintern gekniffen, woraufhin sie außer sich vor Wut gewesen sei und ihn anschrie, was er sich dabei denken würde. Er schwächte das insofern ab, als er betonte, daß sie eine Woche später Freunde gewesen seien, aber egal wie augenzwinkernd und charmant er das erzählte: In die #MeToo-Debatte würde die Geschichte natürlich auch reinpassen, würde die Ross sie wieder aufwärmen.
"Ein Leben ohne Mops ist möglich, aber sinnlos." (Loriot)

Synchronisation ist nicht grundsätzlich schlecht und manchmal sogar richtig gut!


Ich halte es auch für kontraproduktiv, dass im Moment von unangebrachtem Verhalten bis hin zu  de facto Straftaten alles in einen Topf geschmissen wird. Dass das ganze jetzt überkocht ist aber auch nicht verwunderlich, nach dem über Jahrzehnte alles unter den Teppich gekehrt wurde.

Dumm geboren, nichts dazu gelernt und die Hälfte davon vergessen.

Hearing only what you wanna hear and knowing only what you've heard.


Zitat von: DisposableMiffy am  3 November 2017, 15:22:58
Dass das ganze jetzt überkocht ist aber auch nicht verwunderlich, nach dem über Jahrzehnte alles unter den Teppich gekehrt wurde.

...und dass sich einige zu Wort melden, von denen man ansonsten schon lange nichts mehr gehört und gesehen hat. :icon_rolleyes:


3 November 2017, 20:10:49 #154 Letzte Bearbeitung: 3 November 2017, 20:14:07 von Eric
Zitat von: Peter2013 am  3 November 2017, 15:47:59
Zitat von: DisposableMiffy am  3 November 2017, 15:22:58
Dass das ganze jetzt überkocht ist aber auch nicht verwunderlich, nach dem über Jahrzehnte alles unter den Teppich gekehrt wurde.

...und dass sich einige zu Wort melden, von denen man ansonsten schon lange nichts mehr gehört und gesehen hat. :icon_rolleyes:

, ..., und das zum Teil über 30 Jahre auch der eigentlichen "Tat"!

Wenn mich dann also in etwa 10 Jahren alle Frauen verklagen, die ich in meinen frühen 20ern mal angetrunken angemacht habe, dann kann ich mich jetzt schon auf ne riesige Klagewelle einrichten.

Nein, Spass beiseite, sorry, aber warum meldet man sich da jetzt nach über 30 Jahren?
In Schwaben würde man dazu sagen "des hat a komisches Gschmäckle".
(Übersetzt in etwa: "Warum jetzt und nicht schon vor 30 Jahren? Etwa nur weil es jetzt IN ist?")

Der Fall Weinstein ist da eine gaaaaaaaanz andere Liga!!

In der Firma meiner Frau wurde letztes Jahr Ende September ein Mitarbeiter ins Personalbüro gerufen weil sich eine Mitarbeiterin über ihn wegen sexueller Belästigung beschwert hat.
Der Fall war folgender: Er sagte zu ihr nur "Du siehst heute aber fesch in dem Dirndl aus!" Es war Oktoberfest-Zeit und er wollte ihr ein Kompliment machen!!!
Wahnsinn, warum denke ich in den letzten Tagen immer häufiger an die letzten zwei Staffeln von SOUTH PARK?
Liebe Ursula,
wünsch dir frohe Ostern, nen tollen Namenstag und nen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 1978!
Grüsse aus der Alzheimergruppe, deine Tante Günther!

Ich hasse Menschen, Tiere + Pflanzen. Steine sind ok.


Zitat von: Eric am  3 November 2017, 20:10:49, ..., und das zum Teil über 30 Jahre auch der eigentlichen "Tat"!

Wenn mich dann also in etwa 10 Jahren alle Frauen verklagen, die ich in meinen frühen 20ern mal angetrunken angemacht habe, dann kann ich mich jetzt schon auf ne riesige Klagewelle einrichten.

Nein, Spass beiseite, sorry, aber warum meldet man sich da jetzt nach über 30 Jahren?
In Schwaben würde man dazu sagen "des hat a komisches Gschmäckle".

Ja, das stimmt auch, aber ich meinte eigentlich Ex-Prominente, Möchtegern-Stars, vergessene Schauspieler und ähnliche, die sich damit wieder in Erinnerung bringen möchten bzw. sich mal (wieder?) Medienpräsenz erhoffen.  :icon_smile:


Euch mangelt es an Empathie und Sachverstand.  ;)
"Shoot first, think never!" - Ash

Stefan M

Volker Schlöndorff springt Hoffman übrigens deutlich zur Seite: http://www.zeit.de/kultur/film/2017-11/sexismus-hollywood-dustin-hoffman-volker-schloendorff

Zitat"Hat er sie beim Gang zum Auto auf den Po gehauen? Kann schon sein. Mehrmals? Sicher, weil sie jedes Mal zurückgehauen hat. Es war ein Spiel, auf das sie eingegangen ist, wohlgemerkt in Anwesenheit von Fahrern, Aufnahmeleitern", schreibt Schlöndorff. "30 Jahre später hätte die Betroffene das richtig einordnen können, statt Dustin Hoffman einen 'Raubvogel' zu nennen."
"Ein Leben ohne Mops ist möglich, aber sinnlos." (Loriot)

Synchronisation ist nicht grundsätzlich schlecht und manchmal sogar richtig gut!


10 November 2017, 13:17:40 #158 Letzte Bearbeitung: 10 November 2017, 13:26:46 von StS
Eine Autorin des "Weinstein-Artikels" benennt nun Anschuldigungen gegenüber Louis C.K....

ZitatLouis C.K. Accused of Masturbating in Front of Multiple Women in N.Y. Times Exposé

Five women spoke to the Times about the comedian's alleged sexual misconduct, along with fellow comic, and friend to some of the accusers, Tig Notaro.

The exposé, published Thursday, alleges the comedian exposed himself and masturbated in front of two female comedians in 2002, masturbated while speaking to a female comedian over the phone in 2003 and asked to masturbate in front of another comedian, who declined, in 2005. A fourth woman, identified only as a production employee on HBO's The Chris Rock Show, said C.K. masturbated in front of her as well.

The article was written by investigative reporter Jodi Kanter, the co-author of the Times' Oct. 5 Harvey Weinstein story.

Ganzer Artikel:
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


10 November 2017, 13:20:17 #159 Letzte Bearbeitung: 10 November 2017, 13:25:08 von StS
Ed Westwick wird Vergewaltigung von einer Frau vorgeworfen - während eine andere ihn eines sexuellen Übergriffs bezichtigt...

ZitatSecond Woman Accuses Ed Westwick of Sexual Assault

A second woman has come forward to accuse Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick of sexual assault. Former actress Aurelie Wynn posted a lengthy statement on her personal Facebook account alleging that Westwick "pushed me face down" and sexually assaulted her at his home in July 2014.

In her statement, Wynn claims she was "Ubered by Ed to the Glendower Estates where he was renting following an invite from a girl friend of mine who was dating his roommate, a cast member on Glee." Once there, Wynn said they "all hung out until 5 a.m.," when the sun started to rise, at which point she retired to one of the bedrooms. She claims she awoke to Westwick on top of her, saying she was "powerless under [Westwick's] weight" and that she was "wearing a one piece bathing suit that he ripped."

Wynn says she exited Westwick's home afterward, taking "a video of my experience getting out of the house since it's literally a maze," and asked a friend to call her an Uber home. She then told her boyfriend at the time, Glee star Mark Salling, who was indicted in 2016 for possession of child pornography, that she had been raped by Westwick. Wynn claims that Salling "pretended not to know [Westwick], then blamed me for it and broke it off with me."

Shortly after Wynn's post went up, Westwick responded with a denial of her claims on Twitter: "It is disheartening and sad to me that as a result of two unverified and provably untrue social media claims, there are some in this environment who could ever conclude I have had anything to do with such vile and horrific conduct. I have absolutely not, and I am cooperating with the authorities so that they can clear my name as soon as possible."

Wynn's accusations come days after actress Kristina Cohen's similar claims that Westwick raped her in February 2014 while she was visiting his home. Cohen's claims mirror Wynn's in that the actress stated she woke up to Westwick "on top of" her.

Ganzer Artikel:
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Charlie Sheen wird vorgeworfen, sich damals an Corey Haim vergangen zu haben.
Corey Feldman könnte mehr darüber wissen...

ZitatCharlie Sheen denies report claiming he sexually assaulted 13-year-old Corey Haim

Actor Charlie Sheen is denying he raped late child star Corey Haim some 30 years ago on the set of "Lucas," a claim Haim's friend and fellow actor Dominick Brascia made in an explosive National Enquirer report.

"Charlie Sheen categorically denies these allegations," a rep for Sheen told The Hollywood Reporter.

Brascia claimed to the tabloid: "Haim told me he had sex with Sheen when they filmed 'Lucas.' He told me they smoked pot and had sex. He said they had anal sex. Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him. When Corey wanted to fool around again, Charlie was not interested."

Haim would have been 13 during the filming of "Lucas" and Sheen would have been about 20 years old.

Brascia also alleged Haim had another sexual encounter with Sheen years later.

"Haim told me he had sex with Sheen again," Brascia told the Enquirer. "He claimed he didn't like it and was finally over Sheen. He said Charlie was a loser."

Fox News reached out to Brascia, who confirmed the interview he gave to the Enquirer about Haim, and stood by his story.

Haim died on March 10, 2010 of diffuse alveolar damage and pneumonia. He was 38.

Haim starred in several films with fellow child star Corey Feldman when he was young, and the two were known in the industry as "The Coreys."

A rep for Feldman told Fox News on Thursday, "Corey can only speak about his own experiences. He can only attest to events that he actually saw; anything he was told by other victims is merely hearsay. Unfortunately, some of them are not here to recount their horrors and all we can hope is that all abusers are held accountable."

Feldman, however, wrote in his 2013 memoir "Coreyography" about the two being molested when they were kids and about a man he says molested Haim.

"Within hours of our first meeting, we found ourselves talking about 'Lucas,' the film he made in the summer of 1985, the role I had wanted for myself. At some point during the filming, he explained an adult male convinced him that it was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the business to have sexual relations, that it was what all 'guys do,'" Feldman wrote.

"So they walked off to a secluded area between two trailers, during a lunch break for the cast and crew, and Haim, innocent and ambitious as he was, allowed himself to be sodomized," he added. "[That man] walks around, one of the most successful people in the entertainment industry, still making money hand over fist."

In an interview with Moviefone in 2011, Feldman said, "Well I have to be completely honest and say, I'm not a huge fan of Charlie Sheen. I don't make it my goal to ever talk badly in the press, we're all in it together, that's the way I look at it, but Charlie in particular, especially the way that he's affected other people that I know — point blank, Charlie and Corey started their careers pretty much together, and Corey fought for his entire life to recover from those early experiences and to get his life together."

Ganzer Artikel:
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Terry Crews berichtete vor einem Monat, dass er 2016 bei einem Casting ebenfalls befummelt wurde:

Terry Crews!

Jetzt hat er in Los Angeles Anzeige gegen Adam Venit, einen der einflußreichsten Agenten in Hollywood, gestellt:

Dieser Agent hat echt Nerven. Crews ist über 1,90m, Ex-Sportler und wiegt fast 120 Kilo. Das Beispiel veranschaulicht aber auch sehr gut, warum sich Frauen oft erst recht nicht trauen, dagegen zu wehren.
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."


Jenny McCarthy spricht erneut über "ihren Vorfall" mit Seagal...

ZitatJenny McCarthy Reshares Steven Seagal Harassment Claim

The actress, who first spoke out about her alleged casting-couch experience with the actor-producer in 1998, retold the experience on her Sirius XM radio show.

Jenny McCarthy has joined a handful of women to come forward and allege they were sexually harassed by actor Steven Seagal.

The actress and former Playboy model recalled a 1995 audition for Under Siege 2, which Seagal starred in and produced, while speaking on her Sirius XM radio show Thursday — something she had previously told to Movieline in 1998 — adding that "a lot of people" had already heard her tell the story.

"I stand across from him and he plops onto a sofa that's near a fireplace," she recalled. "And he points at the sofa cushion next to him saying to me, 'Take a seat. Relax.' I said, 'No, thank you. I'm just really excited to read for this part. And I have so much energy I need to stand.'"

McCarthy said she wore a loose muumuu outfit so the casting people would "actually look at my face and watch me work," but that her meeting ended up being only her and Seagal.

She said the actor told her there was nudity in the part and that he couldn't tell what her body looked like in the oversized dress she was wearing.

"In my head I'm like, 'Okay. here we go. Sound the alarms, this is not a test, this is the real thing, activate all defense systems,'" she said. "But I so wanted to legitimately read for this part that I wasn't going to give up yet. So I told him, 'Listen. My agent says there's no nudity. I specifically asked her and she said no.'"

She says he told her there was "off-camera nudity," which didn't make sense to her, and asked her to lower her dress. She said she only wanted to read the scene but that he asked again for her to lower the dress "so I can see your breasts."

She paused, says her eyes filled with tears and then yelled back at him, "Go buy my Playboy video — it's on sale for $19.99." She said he followed her to her car and instructed her not to tell anybody, "or else."

"It was so disheartening," she said of bursting into tears in her car and fearing his words. She said she was disheartened and ready to move back to Chicago at that point. "I was the last girl that day. How many girls had to take off their clothes? How many girls had to do more? It just so grossed me out."

"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")

Private Joker

Ich hab auch noch einen (ist ja echt nicht schwer in diesen Tagen):

Jeremy Piven soll drei Frauen belästigt haben


Da hat der wohl seine "Entourage"-Rolle ein bisschen zu sehr verinnerlicht.
"Ich bin zu alt für diesen Scheiß" "Dem Scheiß ist es egal, wie alt Du bist" (James Grady - Die letzten Tage des Condor)


Louis C.K. gibt den ihm vorgeworfenen Sachverhalt zu...

ZitatLouis C.K. on Sexual Misconduct Claims: "These Stories Are True"

Louis C.K. has spoken out about the sexual misconduct allegations being leveled against him. In a statement released on Friday, the comedian and TV star said, "These stories are true."

He continued, "At the time, I said to myself that what I did was okay because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true. But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn't a question. It's a predicament for them. The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly."

In a lengthy response to Thursday's New York Times exposé, sent to The Hollywood Reporter, C.K. addressed the five women who spoke out, admitting that he has tried to learn from his actions but has also run from them.

"I learned yesterday the extent to which I left these women who admired me feeling badly about themselves and cautious around other men who would never have put them in that position," he said in part. "I also took advantage of the fact that I was widely admired in my and their community, which disabled them from sharing their story and brought hardship to them when they tried because people who look up to me didn't want to hear it. I didn't think that I was doing any of that because my position allowed me not to think about it."

Saying, "There is nothing about this that I forgive myself for. And I have to reconcile it with who I am. Which is nothing compared to the task I left them with."

He specifically apologized to the people who are currently being professionally impacted by his actions, including the cast and crew of FX's Better Things and Baskets, TBS' The Cops, Amazon's One Mississippi and his newly shelved movie, I Love You, Daddy, along with his manager, Dave Becky, who was mentioned in the Times story.

"I've brought pain to my family, my friends, my children and their mother," he wrote. "I have spent my long and lucky career talking and saying anything I want. I will now step back and take a long time to listen."

"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Ein neuer Tag... und neue Vorwürfe, die erhoben werden.
Wenn nur die Hälfte davon wahr sind, wäre es schon ein echt unschönes Bild von Hollywood.

ZitatGeorge Takei Accused of Sexually Assaulting Former Model in 1981

A former model and actor is accusing Star Trek icon George Takei of sexual assault in 1981. The accuser, Scott R. Brunton, who was 23 at the time of the alleged incident, claims that Takei took advantage of him when he was most vulnerable.

"This happened a long time ago, but I have never forgotten it," Brunton tells The Hollywood Reporter in an interview. "It is one of those stories you tell with a group of people when people are recounting bizarre instances in their lives, this always comes up. I have been telling it for years, but I am suddenly very nervous telling it."

Brunton says he was living in Hollywood in 1981, working as a waiter and beginning a career as a commercial actor and model when he met a 43- or 44-year-old Takei one evening at Greg's Blue Dot bar. The men exchanged numbers and would call one another from time to time as well as run into each other at clubs, Brunton says. When Brunton broke up with his then-boyfriend, he spoke with Takei. "He said, 'Let me know what your new number is' and I did. And not long after we broke up and I moved out, George called me," Brunton recalls.

Takei, as Brunton tells it, invited him to dinner and the theater. "He was very good at consoling me and understanding that I was upset and still in love with my boyfriend," Brunton says. "He was a great ear. He was very good about me spilling my heart on my sleeve."

The two men went back to the actor's condo for a drink the same night. "We have the drink and he asks if I would like another," Brunton recalls. "And I said sure. So, I have the second one, and then all of a sudden, I begin feeling very disoriented and dizzy, and I thought I was going to pass out. I said I need to sit down and he said sit over here and he had the giant yellow beanbag chair. So I sat down in that and leaned my head back and I must have passed out."

"The next thing I remember I was coming to and he had my pants down around my ankles and he was groping my crotch and trying to get my underwear off and feeling me up at the same time, trying to get his hands down my underwear," Brunton says. "I came to and said, 'What are you doing?!' I said, 'I don't want to do this.' He goes, 'You need to relax. I am just trying to make you comfortable. Get comfortable.' And I said, 'No. I don't want to do this.' And I pushed him off and he said, 'OK, fine.' And I said I am going to go and he said, 'If you feel you must. You're in no condition to drive.' I said, 'I don't care I want to go.' So I managed to get my pants up and compose myself and I was just shocked. I walked out and went to my car until I felt well enough to drive home, and that was that."

Ganzer Artikel:
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


ZitatAnthony Edwards Accuses Producer Gary Goddard of Molesting Him "For Years"

"I was molested by Goddard, my best friend was raped by him  —  and this went on for years. The group of us, the gang, stayed quiet," Edwards writes in an explosive essay published on Medium.

Anthony Edwards has written an emotional essay in which he alleges that writer-producer Gary Goddard molested him and raped his friend in a pattern of abuse that "went on for years."

Edwards' piece, published Friday on Medium and titled "Yes Mom, There is Something Wrong," is particularly troubling considering his age at the time. The actor, now 55 years old and best known for his Emmy-nominated work on E.R., recalls meeting Goddard when he was 12. "He quickly became a dominant force in my life," Edwards writes. "He taught me about the value of acting, respect for friendship and the importance of studying." Calling Goddard — known for film work like 1987's Masters of the Universe and for a long list of credits designing and producing major theme park attractions including Jurassic Park: The Ride, Terminator 2/3D: Battle Across Time, Star Trek: The Experience, Jaws and King Kong on the Loose — a "sick father figure," Edwards writes that he and his five friends grew close to the man during what was a pivotal time in his life.

"Pedophiles prey on the weak. My father, who suffered from undiagnosed PTSD from WWII, was not emotionally available. Everyone has the need to bond, and I was no exception. My vulnerability was exploited. I was molested by Goddard, my best friend was raped by him — and this went on for years. The group of us, the gang, stayed quiet," he writes after opening the essay by revealing that his mother approached him when he was 14 to ask about the rumors she'd heard about Goddard, that he was a pedophile. However, he "denied it through tears of complete panic," and "to face that truth was not an option as my sense of self was completely enmeshed in my gang of five friends who were all led by this sick father figure."

He does not name the friends, but he does write that he confronted Goddard 22 years ago.

"I happened to run into Gary Goddard at an airport," he recalls. "I was able to express my outrage at what he had done. He swore to his remorse and said that he had gotten help. I felt a temporary sense of relief. I say temporary because when Goddard appeared in the press four years ago for alleged sexual abuse, my rage resurfaced."

It is not the first time Goddard has faced these types of accusations. He was named in a teen sex abuse lawsuit in 2014 by Michael Egan, whose case later collapsed under his own credibility issues, and his lawyers apologized for making false claims against some of the defendants. Egan later went to jail for fraud. Seeing Goddard's name in the press triggered Edwards, he writes, leading him to seek outside help.

"At 51 years old, I was directed by a group of loving friends to a therapist who specializes in this kind of abuse. By processing my anger in a safe place with a professional, I was finally able to have the conversation that I wish I could have had with my mom when I was 14," he explains.

As a result of that process, he has gained perspective on the abuse he suffered, but also how widespread his experience is among men. "I've learned a lot in these last four years. Most importantly, I've learned that I'm not alone. One in six men have an abusive sexual experience before they turn 18. Secrecy, shame and fear are the tools of abuse, and it is only by breaking the stigma of childhood sexual abuse that we can heal, change attitudes, and create safer environments for our children," he concludes, later ending the essay by offering links to resources that he has found helpful on his own journey. One of those he lists is Mariska Hargitay's Joyful Heart Foundation. (Edwards had a guest role opposite Hargitay on NBC's Law & Order: SVU, and he currently stars on Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders).

Ganzer Artikel:
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Zitat von: StS am 11 November 2017, 09:59:23
Ein neuer Tag... und neue Vorwürfe, die erhoben werden.
Wenn nur die Hälfte davon wahr sind, wäre es schon ein echt unschönes Bild von Hollywood.

Was an den aktuellen Vorwürfen gegen George Takei und Richard Dreyfuss besonders krass ist: Takei und Dreyfuss hatten sich noch bis quasi gestern öffentlich für die aktuelle Outing-Welle stark gemacht und Opfern gut zugeredet.

Ich hoffe, das entwickelt sich nicht in eine Richtung, alle Dates, die man mal gehabt hat und die schiefgegangen sind, alle Flirtversuche und Anmachsprüche (auch außerhalb irgendwelcher Machtstrukturen) usw. als sexuelles Fehlverhalten, Belästigung und Mißbrauch zu werten.

Wenn Weinstein als Produzent von Asia Argento Sex für eine Rolle verlangt hat und Natasha Henstridge Regisseur Brett Ratner einen Blasen musste - okay, das ist eine Sache. Jetzt rückwirkend jedes Zusammentreffen und mißlungene Date zu kriminalisieren, wäre wirklich übel.
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."


Die einzelnen Vorfälle sind und vielleicht neu, aber dass es so schon immer zugeht ist doch nicht neu. Das läuft ja auch andersrum, # Besetzungscouch... und das was Jenny McCarthy (die dadurch bekannt wurde, weil sie sich die Brüste vergrößern lassen hat, dann Nacktbilder von sich zum Playboy geschickt hat, worauf sie dann min.2x von denen fürs Cover usw abgelichtet wurde und ihre weitere "Karriere" stark auf eben jenen Brüsten beruht) da erzählt, das ist doch schon Realsatire.

Trotzdem herrlich, als raus mit dem Dreck, es soll aber bitte noch die ganzen hohen tiere erwischen.  :icon_twisted:
"Shoot first, think never!" - Ash


ZitatTom Sizemore Was Removed From Movie Set for Allegedly Violating 11-Year Old Girl

A dozen cast and crewmembers tell THR that the actor was sent home after the girl told her parents about the incident.

Actor Tom Sizemore was told to leave a Utah film set in 2003 after an 11-year-old actress told her mother that he had touched her genitals, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. Months later, he returned for reshoots in Malibu after her parents declined to press charges. The incident has never been revealed publicly.

When contacted, the now 26-year-old former actress, whom THR is not identifying at her request, declined to address the matter except to note that she's recently hired a lawyer to explore legal action against the actor as well as her parents. Sizemore declined to address the situation. "Our position is 'no comment,'" says his agent Stephen Rice.

THR spoke to a dozen people involved with the production of the film, a crime thriller called Born Killers (shot as Piggy Banks). They confirmed Sizemore was sent home over the alleged incident. According to these cast- and crewmembers, rumors swirled and emotions rose on set over what had allegedly transpired.

Sizemore, notorious for his long rap sheet that includes charges of drug use and battery against women, has not previously been accused of molestation. An actor with a tough-guy image then at the height of his scandal-driven infamy, when the Utah incident occurred he'd recently been convicted of physically abusing and harassing his ex-girlfriend, the former "Hollywood Madam" Heidi Fleiss.

Sizemore is said to have denied the young actress' claim as soon as he was confronted with it. His management firm Untitled and talent agency CAA quietly dropped him shortly afterward. He's currently repped by the boutique firm Pantheon.

​Cast- and crewmembers, inspired by the nascent movement toward industry transparency in the post-Harvey Weinstein era, explain that the incident took place near the end of production on Born Killers (not to be confused with Oliver Stone's earlier Natural Born Killers, which Sizemore also appeared in). It was during a second-unit still portrait session, to capture photos of Sizemore's character with his abandoned wife and daughter. The imagery would serve as a plot device in the $5 million film, which was released by Lionsgate in 2005. The film centers on two immoral brothers on a crime spree. (Sizemore played the dissolute father who raised them.)

​The roughly half-hour session required the young actress, who had a small role in the production, to be seated on Sizemore's lap in a holiday tableau. This is when Sizemore allegedly either rubbed his finger against the girl's vagina or inserted it inside. Production manager Cassidy Lunnen recalls that "the girl was so young it was unclear to her and [later] her parents what had actually taken place and if it was intentional or not."

During one setup, which required just the two of them, Robyn Adamson, who portrayed the wife, stood away, near the photographer. She recalls of the girl, who was wearing a flannel nightgown: "At one point her eyes got just huge, like she could've vomited. I was watching her. She soon reintegrated and kept going, although she had trouble taking direction. Later, when I was told about what happened, I knew exactly what it was."

Catrine McGregor, the casting director who hired the young actress, fielded a call from the actress' agent the next day, explaining that the girl had informed her mother that she'd been inappropriately touched. "The mother noticed that her daughter was unusually quiet and told her she was going to take her to this swimming place that was the little girl's favorite thing," says McGregor, a four-decade veteran in the business, who notes that she subsequently filed a complaint with SAG's legal department and advocated for Sizemore's immediate dismissal from the project. (SAG declined to comment.) "When the girl put on her bathing suit, she told her mother that it reminded her of the day before, in an upsetting way — that the bathing suit's contact against her felt like what happened when the man had put his finger inside her," as McGregor understood the events on-set.

Word spread quickly. "It filtered down to the crew," says Roi Maufas, who worked as a production assistant. "The little girl said what she said and we all thought, 'That fucking sleazebag.' There was never any doubt. He was this guy who was already known for making inappropriate comments, being drunk, being high. We're talking about consistent behavior, just being 'Tom Sizemore' on set every day. Then this happens. Guys reached for hammers. [Producer James R. Rosenthal, who died in 2011], who was livid himself, had to stop a group of us from going to visit Mr. Sizemore to kick the guy's ass."

In interviews, the film's producers Jai Stefan, Michael Manshel and Gus Spoliansky note that they removed Sizemore from set as soon as they heard about the assertion, reviewed the photographs from the portrait session but found them to be inconclusive evidence and sought out the parents to encourage them to engage law enforcement if they felt compelled to do so. Stefan, who along with the others describes being heavily affected by the actress' claim ("I was like, 'Did that just happen on my watch?' I started crying"), recalls the parents "not wanting the little girl being taken off the movie. We said we can remove her, remove him, remove both."

"They did talk to the police but didn't press charges," says Manshel adding: "We also talked to Tom at the time, and told him everything that had been told to us, and he said: 'I've done a lot of awful things, and I'd never do anything with kids.' We considered whether we had some responsibility to him to not pass judgment on him."

Ganzer Artikel:
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


15 November 2017, 01:35:40 #170 Letzte Bearbeitung: 15 November 2017, 01:37:23 von Hitfield
Der nächste: John Travolta

Die Vorwürfe kursierten allerdings vor einigen Jahren schon einmal. Außerdem finde ich sie im Gegensatz zu den anderen Fällen eher zwiespältig und kurios.
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."


Next: Sly Stallone...

ZitatSylvester Stallone responds to allegations he sexually assaulted and threatened a 16-year-old when he was 40

Sylvester Stallone has responded to allegations of sexual assault from an alleged incident in 1986 involving a minor.

The "Creed" actor is completely denying any involvement in the alleged incident, which puts him in the same conversation as fellow infamous alleged predators in Hollywood, like Harvey Weinstein, Brett Ratner and Kevin Spacey.

"This is a ridiculous, categorically false story. No one was ever aware of this story until it was published today, including Mr. Stallone. At no time was Mr. Stallone ever contacted by authorities or anyone else regarding this matter," a rep for Stallone told Fox News.

The 71-year-old star is in hot water after an alleged incident in Las Vegas while he was filming the movie "Over the Top."

A woman has come forward claiming that Stallone, who was then 40, and his bodyguard at the time, 27-year-old Mike De Luca, had inappropriate sexual contact with her and threatened her safety when she was 16.

She declined to be identified, but Daily Mail uncovered a police report from the time in which she detailed her encounter in a room at the Hilton hotel in Las Vegas. Allegedly, an employee of the hotel called police when a friend of the victim informed him or her that she needed advice.

Allegedly, the teen met Stallone while he was filming at the location and she was staying with family friends. After meeting the "Rocky" star the previous day, she tried to see him again to get an autograph for a friend. That's when De Luca, who died in 2013, reportedly gave her a key to Stallone's hotel room. She told police at the time that she met both men in the hallway and they entered the room together. At that time, she and Stallone began having sex, which she says she was OK with, while De Luca stayed in the bathroom.

According to the police report published by the Daily Mail, things took a turn when Stallone abruptly asked her if she had ever had sex with two men at once. Before she could properly react, she claims De Luca came into the room and the two men took turns pushing her head down to perform oral sex on them and penetrating her.

She told police that she would have been fine if the encounter had been between just her and the actor, despite her only being 16. However, De Luca's presence made her uncomfortable, but she says she felt like there was nothing she could do at the time to stop what was happening.

After the incident, Stallone allegedly told her to keep quiet or they would have to "beat her head in" as they were both married men. Feeling humiliated and intimidated by the event, the woman decided ultimately not to press any charges.

As TMZ notes, it's not unusual for police to investigate claims of sexual assault against a minor without the victim's cooperation, but Las Vegas police told the outlet they did not feel they had sufficient evidence to move forward without the victim being willing to prosecute.

"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


17 November 2017, 20:32:21 #172 Letzte Bearbeitung: 18 November 2017, 01:38:08 von Hitfield
Ohne es jetzt explizit auf Stallone zu beziehen:
Ich hoffe, das gleitet nicht in die Richtung ab: "Habe mich vor ein paar Jahrzehnten mal einem Promi an den Hals geworfen, aber der hat sich nur mit mir vergnügt und ist keine Beziehung eingegangen oder hat wenigstens meiner Karriere weitergeholfen".

Das Problem ist aus meiner Sicht, dass im Moment wirklich alles in einen Topf geschmissen wird: vom mutmaßlichen Mißbrauch bei Weinstein, Ratner und Spacey über Louis C.K. (der hatte wohl einen Fetisch, vor Frauen zu mastubieren - und je angewiderter sie waren, desto mehr ist er in Fahrt gekommen) bis zu diesem Quatsch von Amber Heard bezüglich Johnny Depp und Lena Headley bezüglich Terry Gilliam ("der war als Regisseur so gemein zu mir").
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."


17 November 2017, 21:06:48 #173 Letzte Bearbeitung: 17 November 2017, 21:09:31 von RoboLuster
Ja, das lenkt nur unnötig von den großen Brocken ab, bzw macht das weniger skandalös (so auf die Art; alle machen es doch). Würd mich nicht wundern, wenn Leute wie Weinstein den Dreck anderer selbst verteilen, damit ihr Dreckberg am Ende nicht zu groß, da alleine, im Feld steht.

Sammelklage und danach alle exportiern auf ne Insel ohne Wiederkehr. Alle außer Seagal, weil der hats cool gemacht, und im Fall McCarthy war er eigentlich fast selbst das Opfer.
"Shoot first, think never!" - Ash

Mr. Blonde

Puuh, also mittlerweile erreicht das eine Größenordnung und ein Ungleichgewicht (Wie von Euch erwähnt ist da alles dabei von Missbrauch bis einvernehmlichem Sex und Belästigung sowie Flirterei), dass es aktuell bei mir eine Art Übersättigung gibt. Mir geht das aktuell auch nicht mehr nahe, da das Ausmaß so groß geworden ist, dass da bei mir ein Abstumpfungsprozess stattfindet.

Vielmehr hat mich die ganze Diskussion, und dabei gebe ich zu, dass ich da eine ganz zynische Sau bin, genötigt, die erste Staffel von "House of Cards" mal endlich zu Ende zu schauen. Da kommen dann Dialoge vor wie "Weißt du überhaupt wie jung ich bin? Das ist doch krank! Du könntest mein Großvater sein." Dabei kann ich mir ein Schmunzeln aufgrund der Ironie nicht verkneifen. Und so schaut man dann auf diesen Schauspieler und denkt sich: Ja mei, privat wohl Scheißkerl und ein "Verbrecher", aber trotzdem gut gespielt. Das ist dann entweder eine gesunde Distanz und Unterschied zwischen Künstler & Privatmann, oder einfach nur kaltschnäuzige Ignoranz. Die Frage ist, welche Möglichkeit gibt es sonst noch? Alles boykottieren? Dann kann ich gut und gerne 30 Prozent meiner Lieblingsfilme nie wieder gucken.  :kotz:


18 November 2017, 02:02:13 #175 Letzte Bearbeitung: 18 November 2017, 02:04:32 von RoboLuster
Was boykottieren? Das is denen doch egal. Mir würds erstmal reichen, wenn dieser Weinstein eingelocht wird. Alles andere soll nur davon ablenken, imo. Den solls jetzt erstmal erwischen, basta. Das Gepupe da drumrum hat den Effekt wie Jenny McCarthys  "loose muumuu outfit", man weiß schon gar nicht mehr, wo man hinschauen soll.
"Shoot first, think never!" - Ash


19 November 2017, 22:54:36 #176 Letzte Bearbeitung: 20 November 2017, 07:39:11 von Grusler
Also ehrlich gesagt, das bisschen Wichsen. Ich frage mich was die ehrenwerten Damen (und feinen Herren) in Hollywood eigentlich erwarten? Und was diese wohl auch schon alles gemacht haben? Wenn das alles auf einmal "rauskäme", könnten sie Hollywood komplett dicht machen. Ich finde es etwas lächerlich, der böse Harvey und das friedliche, völlig nicht perverse, "Holywood"...wer's glaubt. :algoschaf: :viney: Meh' Geld! :icon_lol:

Seien Sie Vorsichtig! Er ist wieder unterwegs! Er sucht neue Opfer...nach den Castings...in den Hotels...auf den Klos...Überall! Keiner ist vor ihm sicher! Unbarmherzig exhibitioniert er sich! Er wichst und spritzt ab, denn er ist krank! Harvey - Der Wichser! Ein echter Schocker!..."Ich komme bald auf Sie!"  :icon_twisted:

Evtl. sollte jetzt mal Helmut Berger in "Holywood" auftauchen!  :icon_mrgreen:

Tja, generell schlechte Zeiten, sich von Schatzi beim Wichsen erwischen zu lassen..."Seien Sie Vorsichtig!" :icon_lol:

Sind wir nicht alle ein bisschen Harvey. ;)

 -Rollie LeBay

Ko(s)misches Sein.


Zitat von: Hitfield am 17 November 2017, 20:32:21
Ohne es jetzt explizit auf Stallone zu beziehen:
Ich hoffe, das gleitet nicht in die Richtung ab: "Habe mich vor ein paar Jahrzehnten mal einem Promi an den Hals geworfen, aber der hat sich nur mit mir vergnügt und ist keine Beziehung eingegangen oder hat wenigstens meiner Karriere weitergeholfen".

Das Problem ist aus meiner Sicht, dass im Moment wirklich alles in einen Topf geschmissen wird: vom mutmaßlichen Mißbrauch bei Weinstein, Ratner und Spacey über Louis C.K. (der hatte wohl einen Fetisch, vor Frauen zu mastubieren - und je angewiderter sie waren, desto mehr ist er in Fahrt gekommen) bis zu diesem Quatsch von Amber Heard bezüglich Johnny Depp und Lena Headley bezüglich Terry Gilliam ("der war als Regisseur so gemein zu mir").

Das is auch was mich dezent arg abnervt grade. Wer weiß wieviele da jetzt auf der Welle mitschwimmen "bekannter" zu werden, abgesehen von den Brocken wie Weinstein. Ich meine wenn eine Frau auf Arbeit behauptet ich habe sie am Arsch berührt oder gefragt ob sie poppen will, dann bin ich doch schon raus, egal was ich dazu sage. Solche Fälle gabs bei meiner Frau im Laden schon des Öfteren, und zweimal kam danach raus es ist nicht wahr gewesen (also nicht mit mir  :king:), was bringts dann noch?

Obendrein ist es ja auch irgendwo eine Frage der Schwere des Falls! Wenn Seagal die Hose aufmacht und die Frau abhaut, is das wohl ne gänzlich andere Nummer als wenn jemand explizit vergewaltigt oder massiv körperlich bedrängt wird. Wenn Spacey nem Typen an die Eier packt frage ICH mich, wieso derjenige dem keine klatscht - sorry, so würde ichs machen. KLAR gibt es zart beseitetere die da die Psychokrise kriegen, aber waren das echt alles so labile Lappen die da belästigt wurden, dass sie jetzt alle zwanzig Jahre zum Psychodoc rennen und das nun öffentlich ausmachen müssen!?
"Hör mal, du kannst mein Ding nicht Prinzessin Sofia nennen. Wenn du meinem Ding schon einen Namen geben willst, dann muss es schon was supermaskulines sein. Sowas wie Spike oder Butch oder Krull, The Warrior King, aber NICHT Prinzessin Sofia."


Ei dann pack ich jetzt auch mal aus; der Speceystein hat mir an die Eier gefasst, dann hab ich ihm eine geklatscht. :king:
"Shoot first, think never!" - Ash


Der nächste:

Regisseur und Produzent John Lasseter ("Toy Story", "Findet Nemo", "Cars") entschuldigt sich für unerwünschte und unangemessene....... Umarmungen:

In den sozialen Medien wurde Lasseter umgehend als fieses Vergewaltiger- und Mißbrauchs-Schwein gekreuzigt - nicht nur von Trollen, sondern auch von verifizierten Leuten; viele Frauen zeigen sich allgemein als "wenig überrascht".

Sorry Leute, ich bin raus. Das wird jetzt wahrscheinlich ewig so weitergehen und auch nach Jahren nicht mehr aufhören. Mir ist das zu blöd, die Grenze der Lächerlichkeit eindeutig überschritten. Alles wird inzwischen über einen Kamm geschoren. Als Gegenreaktion auf diesen Irrsinn bin ich fast so weit, eine Weinstein-Produktion mit Seagal und Spacey in den Hauptrollen unter der Regie von Brett Ratner zu befürworten. :icon_rolleyes:
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."

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