Halloween (2007)

Begonnen von Oh Dae Su, 10 Mai 2006, 21:21:14

⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.

Oh Dae Su

10 Mai 2006, 21:21:14 Letzte Bearbeitung: 20 April 2008, 13:22:43 von SplatMat
Ich war grad nichtsahnend bei der Imdb und stoße ich aufeinmal auf das hier: http://german.imdb.com/title/tt0373883/
Wie viele Teile sollen da noch kommen? Für mich gibts nur den ersten die anderen brauch ich nicht.

Der Film soll vor dem ersten Teil spielen, aber was wollen sie zeigen wenn er mit 6 eingesperrt wurde.

Mr. Hankey

Ist schon ein sehr alter Hut und es gab hier auch schon einige Threads dazu, die aber beide auf unerklärliche Weise verschwunden sind. :icon_confused:

Jedenfalls ist da nach wie vor noch nichts Offizielles vorhanden (weder Infos zu Plot, Cast & Crew etc.) und seit dem Tot von Akkad dürfte sich das ganze Projekt noch um einige Zeit verschieben. Alles was es bis jetzt zum 9. Teil an Infos gibt sind unbestätigte Gerüchte!

Wenn etwas offiziell wird, dann gibt es das als erstes hier zu lesen: http://www.halloweenmovies.com/
Aus visueller Sicht, das vielleicht beste BD-Erlebnis ever: Klick

Oh Dae Su

Zitat von: Mr. Hankey am 10 Mai 2006, 21:33:46
Ist schon ein sehr alter Hut und es gab hier auch schon einige Threads dazu, die aber beide auf unerklärliche Weise verschwunden sind. :icon_confused:

Jedenfalls ist da nach wie vor noch nichts Offizielles vorhanden (weder Infos zu Plot, Cast & Crew etc.) und seit dem Tot von Akkad dürfte sich das ganze Projekt noch um einige Zeit verschieben. Alles was es bis jetzt zum 9. Teil an Infos gibt sind unbestätigte Gerüchte!

Wenn etwas offiziell wird, dann gibt es das als erstes hier zu lesen: http://www.halloweenmovies.com/

Bei Movies steht aber schon Halloween 9. Wenn man draufklickt passiert nichts, aber im Fenster in der Mitte steht: News on Halloween 9 is coming soon.


Für einen guten Film braucht man:

1. Ein gutes Drehbuch
2. Ein gutes Drehbuch
3. Ein gutes Drehbuch

---Billy Wilder---

22.06.1906 - 27.03.2002

Mr. Hankey

Zitat von: Oh Dae Su am 10 Mai 2006, 22:19:46Bei Movies steht aber schon Halloween 9. Wenn man draufklickt passiert nichts, aber im Fenster in der Mitte steht: News on Halloween 9 is coming soon.
Yupp! Hatte mich auch etwas falsch ausgedrückt! Ein 9. Halloween-Film ist defitniv in Planung, aber es gibt eben noch nichts Genaueres und man sollte alle Infos, die nicht auf der oben erwähnten Seite genannt werden, mit äußerster Vorsicht betrachten.

Darauf hat mich User-Kollege "Deer Hunter" (genauso ein Halloween-Freak wie ich :icon_mrgreen:) gebracht und er sollte recht behalten. :D
Aus visueller Sicht, das vielleicht beste BD-Erlebnis ever: Klick

Deer Hunter

Zitat von: Mr. Hankey am 11 Mai 2006, 00:13:32Darauf hat mich User-Kollege "Deer Hunter" (genauso ein Halloween-Freak wie ich :icon_mrgreen:) gebracht und er sollte recht behalten. :D

Hankey, Du kamst mir mal wieder zuvor. Ich warte ja nur auf neue Threads bezüglich H9, um dann meine Weisheiten von mir zu geben... :icon_razz:
Aber jetzt mal im ernst: Hankey hat natürlich recht, dass sich das Projekt wegen Akkads tragischem Tod auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben hat. Ehrlich gesagt glaube ich auch nicht ernsthaft an eine Fortführung, aber man ist ja schon oft genug eines Besseren belehrt worden.
Schließlich sollte man Akkad in irgendeiner Form seinen Respekt aussprechen in Form einer Widmung vor oder nach einem Film. Aber irgendwie werde ich das Gefühl nicht los, dass uns in naher Zukunft ein Remake des ersten Teils bevorsteht. Ich kann mir gar nicht erklären, warum... :icon_mrgreen:
"Das nächste Lied heißt eigentlich 'Ich bin so wie ich bin' aber weil Bela "auch" ein bisschen mitsingt, heißt es 'FICKEN'!"

Ah, tweed. Fabric of the eunuch.


Eigentlich ist das Thema aktuell gerade wieder im Gespräch, obwohl natürlich noch nichts sicher ist. Der Titel wird dann ja wohl "Halloween: The Missing Years" lauten.

Hier übrigens noch ein eher allgemeines "Bloody Disgusting"-Interview mit Dante Tomaselli zu dem Thema (aus dem März)...

ZitatBD: Hello Dante and congratulations on all of the support you have been receiving re possibly directing "Halloween 9"! How did all of that come about? Serendipity, knowing the producers are searching for a director or just knowing you might be the right person for the job?

DT: Hi Elaine...this all came about in a few days. Horror fans from GutsandGory.com started sending me messages and emails telling me I should direct "Halloween 9". "Halloween 9"? I didn't even know it was on the horizon. Within hours, the folks there had a petition going and everything. Other sites caught on...It actually became political. I got lots of letters of support...also some hate mail from people thinking that I was going to remake "Halloween". I'd never remake "Halloween". That film is untouchable. I'm completely against that. With all the controversy, I was flattered but I didn't want the "powers-to-be" to think that I...myself...started the petition. It was important for them to know that I didn't initiate it...this was a group of enthusiastic and knowledgeable horror fans speaking about what they wanted, not me begging for the job. Not that I wouldn't beg for the job (laughs). But a petition, started by myself, that's something I'd never do. I'm not aggressive...in that way. Anyhow, I called California and spoke to Malek Akkad's assistant. I expressed my sincere interest in taking on "Halloween 9". We agreed that I send a portfolio of my work. Malek and company should be looking over the materials any day now. I'd love to send them "Satan's Playground", because I think it's my best film and most representative of where I'm at now as a filmmaker, but I know Anchor Bay wouldn't want any copies going out before its official release date. I'm sure, though, if Malek wanted to have a private screening of "Satan's Playground" with me, that could be arranged.

BD: I know that "Halloween" is one of your all-time favorite films and you saw it when it premiered in 1978, when you were an impressionable 9-year old. What do remember about that experience and why do you think "Halloween" struck such a chord with you that has lasted to this day?

DT: I saw "Halloween" on my 9th birthday. My mother took all my friends to see it. I could get very dramatic...but let's just say the movie left a deep psychic imprint on me. We were youngsters, and a lot of my friends were traumatized, but I was hopelessly addicted to "Halloween" because it genuinely scared me. It chilled me. It struck some sensitive part in my brain, the area that controls dreams, memories and emotions. The film got under my skin. I just thought it was a bona-fide masterpiece, on every level...even at the tender age of nine. I was absolutely shattered by the experience of watching it. Shattered! How can one movie be so scary and beautiful and suffocating? And the gorgeous, spine-tingling sound design...Oh God. There's no escaping its powerful grip. And Mr. John Carpenter...who was this director? I was a fan instantly...at the age of nine. Of course, Carpenter followed it up with "The Fog"...another film I am definitely in love with and influenced by.

BD: Apparently discussions with the producers are very early but why do you think there has been this incredible grass-roots effort on the Internet to ensure that you get to direct "H9"? And how do you feel about it?

DT: Well, I think it has a lot to do with the fact that most of the recent "Halloween" sequels were just way too modern, too hip, you know? They all started to feel the same. And I've kind of developed a name for myself doing horror films that are individualistic...very atmospheric and have a 70s, early 80s vibe. Plus, there's usually an all-encompassing feeling of gloom. Most modern horror films you see these days look like TV commercials. I'm sorry...but the remake of "The Amityville Horror"...it looked like a TV commercial. I'd try to make "Halloween 9" dark and evil...with a menacing soundtrack. Of course the main goal would be to try to make "Halloween 9" very scary. I mean, that's been my career path so far...I try to make each new movie more frightening than the last. I'm a horror filmmaker. No romantic comedies here. With "Halloween 9", I'd go all-out. Plus, I know so many people would be waiting for it, so I'd feel the pressure to really deliver.

BD: Many horror fans are unfamiliar with your early films, "Desecration" and "Horror" but know your reputation as a "back-to-the-scary-basics" horror director. And nearly everyone is eagerly awaiting the release of your most recent film, "Satan's Playground", which I can personally say is a very frightening movie. How would you describe your style of filmmaking?

DT: I try to harness the look and feel of a nightmare. As a kid growing up, I was captive to my bad dreams. Now as an adult, I feel some kind of uncontrollable urge to replicate the trance-like nightmare images...and sounds.

BD: Several message boards have had people who have seen your early films express some concern about how "weird" those films are and how that "inaccessibility" might spill over into "H9". What do you say to comments like that?

DT: I understand their concern. My films are hallucinatory. But with "Halloween 9", there would be a much greater emphasis on scaring the audience. And, you know, art and horror CAN merge. I think that's what happened with the original "Halloween"...and I'd try to bring back that flavor.

BD: You have said that you may very well not write the script for "H9" which you have done on all of your other films. If you don't get the opportunity to write "H9", what of your own style of filmmaking might viewers expect to see? You are a self-described "visual" director.

DT: Actually, I'd prefer someone else write it. I'm sure that's what's happening anyway. If not, I'd be open to hearing what the fans have to say...and I'd collaborate with someone. For sure, I'd try to give "Halloween 9" the look and sound design of the original, which had an Italian-horror feel to it.

BD: It has been reported more than once that you want to take "H9" back to the roots of the "Halloween" franchise. What sort of ideas do you have as to how you would do that?

DT: Well, just by listening to all the "Halloween" fans on message boards like GutsandGory.com and Halloweenmovies.com, I can sense what they are craving. Mainly, these fans want "Halloween 9" to be a return to the grim, scary original. That's EXACTLY what I want. No more CGI silliness. No more. We all want it to stop! I miss the dreadful, unnerving tone of the original. Old school horror must come back.

BD: John Carpenter's score for "Halloween" is one of the most seminal scores for a horror film, along with Wendy Carlos' score for "The Shining" and Goblin's for "Suspiria". Would you score "H9" yourself as you have done for all of your own films?

DT: Yes...I would definitely want to score "Halloween 9". I'm a filmmaker and composer. The soundtrack is 50% of the film's equation. The scores to all my movies so far, especially "Satan's Playground", have been heavily influenced by early Carpenter soundtracks. The moody, throbbing bass tones...icy, jolting synthesizer stings...

BD: Again, it is very early but you have suggested several actors you would love to work with on the "H9" project: the original three girls, Jamie Lee Curtis, P.J. Soles and Nancy Loomis. Also, Bill Paxton, Brian Andrews (Tommy Doyle), maybe Kyle Richards (Lindsey Wallace) as well as John Carpenter himself. You have become known for working with classic horror icons like Edwin Neal, Felissa Rose, Judith O'Dea, Margot Kidder – at this point, do you have some idea how you might incorporate these actors into "H9"? And Bill Paxton is an interesting choice although he was incredibly frightening as Father Meiks in his feature directorial debut, "Frailty". Why Bill Paxton?

DT: I admire Bill Paxton as an actor. He was so spooky, so mystical...in "Frailty". I just feel he fits into the landscape of "Halloween 9". Again, I have no idea what the script is going to be like, but my gut tells me certain actors will bring a certain magic. It's hard to talk about casting, though, when there is no script.

BD: When you have a moment to actually think about the possibility of directing a sequel to a film which played such an important role in your childhood and subsequent desire to be a horror filmmaker, what goes through your head?

DT: Well, to even have my name next to the title "Halloween" gives me the chills, in the best way. I feel 9-years old again. But wait! Nothing is concrete yet. For now, it is a dream...

BD: Your fourth feature film, the apocalyptic "The Ocean", has been temporarily delayed for reasons most indie filmmakers are all too familiar with – financing. How are things progressing with that project?

DT: Ahhhh..."The Ocean". It is definitely coming up. All my films have had some kind of delay...and they always pop out of the womb eventually. As you know, I made three features so far. I'll make four, five, six.... As long as I stay alive, I'll be making horror movies...till I'm old and gray. That's how I see it. Look out for "Satan's Playground" through Anchor Bay this summer.

BD: Are your plans to film "The Ocean" in Puerto Rico with Judith O'Dea, Margot Kidder and Felissa Rose along with cameos from Edwin Neal and Ellen Sandweiss still in place? Are there going to be any other "surprise" cameos to look for?

DT: Yes the casting is in place. The tropical Puerto Rican locations are in place. And I'm on the brink of securing financing.

BD: You are also an associate producer on "Horror Business" director Christopher Garetano's "South Texas Blues", which is about what went into the making of the iconic horror film, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". How exciting is that project for you, especially having worked with Ed Neal?

DT: Oh yeah...I'm thrilled to be a part of it. Edwin Neal is an excellent performer, I really loved working with him on "Satan's Playground". The director, Christopher Garetano, called me one day and told me about the intriguing concept. As a fan of the original immortal classic and a fan of Christopher's hallucinatory filmmaking style, I knew I had to be involved.

BD: I'm sure you have been asked this before but what is your opinion on the current state of horror? There seems to be an encouraging movement back to the more "hard-core" horror of the 1970s with films like "Hostel", "The Devil's Rejects", Neil Marshall's "The Descent" as well as your own "Satan's Playground".

DT: We're actually on an upswing. It's a very good time for horror films...and I've never said that before. I've been pessimistic about the state of horror since the late 80s, but this is a special time. The 90s were awful...with all those hip, supposedly "ironic" horror comedies. Hard-core horror is back with a vengeance.

BD: Besides "Halloween", what other film would you love to either direct a sequel to or "reinterpretation" (not remake!) of ?

DT: Hmmmm...Tobe Hooper's "The Funhouse".

March 2006
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


bin auch großer fan der halloween-reihe und muss sagen, dass es nach dem schlechten 8. Teil stoppen sollte.
Aber nach einer so langen pause, nem guten script und Alexandre Aja als Regisseur, wie es bei der IMDB steht, wäre das für mich ein grund mich erneut ins kino zu setzen.
vom jetzigen gefühl würde mich ein prequel zwar auch nicht reizen, aber erstmal abwarten.
irgendwie habe ich jedoch das gefühl, dass Alexandre Aja als Regisseur wegfallen wird  :icon_sad:

Deer Hunter

Zitatund Alexandre Aja als Regisseur, wie es bei der IMDB steht

Wo steht das? Leute, glaubt mir: alles andere, außer das was bei halloweenmovies.com steht, ist falsch! IMDB hat den Status von Anfang November, also vor dem feigen Attentat, dem u.a. Akkad zum Opfer gefallen ist!
Das Interview mit dessen Aussagen aus dem März wäre auch schon längst bei der offiziellen Seite aufgetaucht, wenn da was halbwegs wahres dran ist.
Abwarten, vielleicht kommt etwas, aber defintives gibt es nur auf obiger Seite! :respekt:
"Das nächste Lied heißt eigentlich 'Ich bin so wie ich bin' aber weil Bela "auch" ein bisschen mitsingt, heißt es 'FICKEN'!"

Ah, tweed. Fabric of the eunuch.


Lange hat es gedauert, nun ist auf www.halloweenmovies.com, der offiziellen Seite von Trancas International Films, die Nachricht zu lesen, daß in Kürze Halloween 9 offiziell angekündigt wird.

Auf www.horrorchannel.com ist zudem zu lesen, daß Halloween 9 KEIN Prequel (Halloween:The Missing Years) und auch KEIN Remake werden soll, sondern eine Fortsetzung, die im Sanatorium in Smiths Groove spielen soll. Ob da was dran ist, wird dann wohl bald bestätigt werden. Ich bin jedenfalls sehr gespannt, ob es nach dem miserablen Halloween Resurrection (besonders wegen diesem Rapper Heini) wieder aufwärts gehen wird...

Systemlord Anubis

DAS ist eine wundervolle Neuigkeit !!!!!!  Zum glück eine Fortsetzung


Sehe ich genauso, will wissen wie es weitergeht. Hoffe ja immer noch auf eine Verflechtung der beiden Halloween-Serien, wobei mir die mit Michaels kleiner Nichte Jamie lieber ist als die Jamie Lee Curtis Fortsetzungsgeschichte.


Zitat von: Fantastic am 18 Mai 2006, 10:39:17
Lange hat es gedauert, nun ist auf www.halloweenmovies.com, der offiziellen Seite von Trancas International Films, die Nachricht zu lesen, daß in Kürze Halloween 9 offiziell angekündigt wird.
wuahhhhhhh.....und DAS nicht von Dir Deer Hunter...  :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :anime:
traue nie SB, denn es tut Dir weh :(
became MINGed!

ZitatCloverfield refers to the field formerly known as Central Park. Clovers are usually prone to grow at places after bombing. Thus the term "Clover" and "field" referring to park.

Deer Hunter

19 Mai 2006, 13:43:35 #13 Letzte Bearbeitung: 19 Mai 2006, 13:47:08 von Deer Hunter
Wieviele H9 Threads brauchen wir eigentlich noch?


Zitat von: Philwuahhhhhhh.....und DAS nicht von Dir Deer Hunter... 

Hab auch noch andere Dinge zu tun. ;)

ZitatAuf www.horrorchannel.com ist zudem zu lesen, daß Halloween 9 KEIN Prequel (Halloween:The Missing Years) und auch KEIN Remake werden soll, sondern eine Fortsetzung, die im Sanatorium in Smiths Groove spielen soll.

Das sind dann auch wieder nichts als Spekulationen, die ich, wenn sie sich als wahr herausstellen sollten, sehr begrüßen würde.
"Das nächste Lied heißt eigentlich 'Ich bin so wie ich bin' aber weil Bela "auch" ein bisschen mitsingt, heißt es 'FICKEN'!"

Ah, tweed. Fabric of the eunuch.

Mr. Hankey

29 Mai 2006, 21:06:01 #14 Letzte Bearbeitung: 29 Mai 2006, 21:14:09 von Mr. Hankey
Ein neues Release-Datum, vorerst rein zum spekulieren ;): Laut Imdb soll es nun August 2007 soweit sein.

Weitere, reine Spekulations-Daten bei Cast & Crew, wobei hier sogar schon einige Rollen-Namen dabei stehen :icon_confused::

Lindy Booth ....  Tess Selden
Heather Bowen   
Rob Brown ....  Kenny Elkins (attached)
Bryce Inman ....  Stephen Lloyd
Alexa Karter ....  Stacy DeAngelo
Billy Dee Williams ....  Sheriff Connors

Jake Wade Wall sitzt am Buch, der auch schon das Remake zu "When a Stranger Calls" geschrieben hat.

Wie schon gesagt, bis jetzt alles noch nicht offiziell bestätigt, also mit reiner Vorsicht diese Daten aufnehmen. Halloweenmovies.com läßt mit Infos derzeit noch auf sich warten.
Aus visueller Sicht, das vielleicht beste BD-Erlebnis ever: Klick


Hmmm, Lindy Booth wäre schonmal ein guter Anfang...  :respekt:
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Billy Dee Williams hat offensichtlich auch Probleme, Arbeit zu bekommen...
"Du hältst durch und ich halte durch und nächstes Jahr gehen wir einen saufen!

"Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things.!" (Douglas Adams)


wenn der typ das drehbuch schreibt, sollte man mit dem schlimmsten rechnen. das "when a stranger calls" remake war mit das schlimmste, was ich mir dieses jahr im a-movie bereich antun musste...


1 Juni 2006, 01:22:23 #18 Letzte Bearbeitung: 1 Juni 2006, 01:24:18 von Fantastic
frag mich nur grad von wem die ganzen stabangaben stammen, schliesslich gab es seitens www.halloweenmovies.com noch gar keine öffentliche bekanntgabe. lasst bitte jemand anderen das drehbuch schreiben ;-) Und den derzeitigen Untertitel find ich...sagen wir mal...gähn...na ja solange busta irgendwas nicht mehr mitspielt kann es ja nur besser werden..


'Halloween 9' Being Thrown to the Zombies?

The news is slim, probably slimmer than Calista Flockhart, but according to Fangoria the Weinstein Co. may have found their director of the highly-anticipated Halloween 9! Although nothing has been confirmed or denied... your favorite shock-rocker Rob Zombie may be taking the helm!! Musician Rob Zombie is best know for hitting the music scene with his band White Zombie and directing two horror films over at Lionsgate, House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects. Watch for official news as it comes in.

(Fangoria/Bloody Disgusting)
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")

Deer Hunter

Ich wollte nicht spammen, aber...diese ganzen Spekulationen sind doch immer wieder sehr amüsant... :scar:
Ok, dann werfe ich auch mal einen Namen in die Runde: Ronnie Yu (der ist auch weder bestätigt, noch wurde seine Zusage verneint!!!) ;) :icon_smile:

Hier mal ein paar DVD News:

The long-awaited Anchor Bay HALLOWEEN: 25 YEARS OF TERROR 2-DISC DVD SET finally arrives in stores on July 25th! This project has been in development since early 2003, and was inspired by the fan-organized Halloween Returns To Haddonfield 25th Anniversary Convention. DVD specs are as follows:

* Extended celebrity interviews
* Halloween II extended interviews
* Halloween III extended interviews
* Halloween 5 On-Set Footage
* Halloween Convention Montage
* Halloween Convention Behind-The-Scenes gallery
* "Fans of Halloween" Featurette
* A slew of Convention Panel Discussion footage on the Halloween films, featuring numerous actors and crew members from the Halloween films.
* Halloween location stills gallery
* Original Halloween artwork gallery

Quelle natürlich: http://www.halloweenmovies.com/
"Das nächste Lied heißt eigentlich 'Ich bin so wie ich bin' aber weil Bela "auch" ein bisschen mitsingt, heißt es 'FICKEN'!"

Ah, tweed. Fabric of the eunuch.

Mr. Hankey

Na wunderbar! Ist natürlich gekauft. :love:

Hoffe mal das auch CD-WOW die Scheibe mit ins Programm nimmt!
Aus visueller Sicht, das vielleicht beste BD-Erlebnis ever: Klick


2 Juni 2006, 11:37:37 #22 Letzte Bearbeitung: 2 Juni 2006, 11:44:41 von Fantastic
Rob Zombie wäre wirklich eine gute Wahl und ich wäre sehr gespannt was er aus dem Halloween-Thema machen würde. Und das ganze scheint sich wohl noch zu bewahrheiten, denn: Spätestens MORGEN (!!!) soll es die langersehnte offizielle Ankündigung seitens TrancasFilms geben wie auf www.bloody-disgusting.com nachzulesen ist !


ist das jetzt eine Film DVD oder ist das nur eine 25 Jahre Edition (Bonus DVD) mit den Interviews usw...
traue nie SB, denn es tut Dir weh :(
became MINGed!

ZitatCloverfield refers to the field formerly known as Central Park. Clovers are usually prone to grow at places after bombing. Thus the term "Clover" and "field" referring to park.

Deer Hunter

Zitat von: Phil am  2 Juni 2006, 13:03:48
ist das jetzt eine Film DVD oder ist das nur eine 25 Jahre Edition (Bonus DVD) mit den Interviews usw...

So wie ich es verstanden habe ist es "eine 25 Jahre Edition (Bonus DVD) mit Interviews usw...". Ist eben so ein Fanprojekt gewesen, was schon seit 2003 in Arbeit war und von dem man schon lange nichts mehr gehört hatte.

"Das nächste Lied heißt eigentlich 'Ich bin so wie ich bin' aber weil Bela "auch" ein bisschen mitsingt, heißt es 'FICKEN'!"

Ah, tweed. Fabric of the eunuch.


4 Juni 2006, 18:29:16 #25 Letzte Bearbeitung: 4 Juni 2006, 18:31:45 von mandator
Rob Zombie Exclaims, 'I Am Not Making Halloween 9!'


Ich lese daraus, dass, wenn er Regie führen sollte, es keine Fortsetzung werden wird, sondern seine eigene Version des Themas Halloween.


5 Juni 2006, 00:37:36 #26 Letzte Bearbeitung: 5 Juni 2006, 00:41:43 von StS
Rob Zombie to Helm New Halloween Film
Source: Bloody-Disgusting / Comingsoon.net, June 4, 2006

Dimension Films has announced that the studio will make a new "Halloween" movie with Rob Zombie (The Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses) writing, directing and serving as a producer, reports Bloody-Disgusting. Malek Akkad of Trancas International Films (Halloween H20: 20 Years Later) will produce the feature along with Andy Gould of Vision Entertainment Group (The Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses). Zombie will also serve as music supervisor on the film. Miramax Films will co-finance the development with Dimension Films. The announcement was made today by The Weinstein Company co-chairman, Bob Weinstein.

Zombie's vision of this film is an entirely new take on the legend and will satisfy fans of the classic "Halloween" legacy while beginning a new chapter in the Michael Myers saga. This new movie will not only appeal to horror fans, but to a wider movie-going audience as well. It will not be a copycat of any prior films in the "Halloween" franchise. The film is set for an October 2007 theatrical release.

Bob Weinstein stated, "Rob Zombie is a gifted musician and performer as well as a talented filmmaker. His vision for this new 'Halloween' is spectacular and I am thrilled to be collaborating with him and to work closely with Malek Akkad to continue the legacy built by his father, the late Moustapha Akkad."

Zombie said, "I have been a huge, huge fan of John Carpenter's original film since its release. So when Bob Weinstein approached me about this, I jumped at the chance to join forces with Dimension Films on this amazing project."

The "Halloween" story began with the 1978 release of John Carpenter's Halloween, executive produced by the late Moustapha Akkad, founder of Trancas International Films and became the highest grossing independent film of the time. Moustapha Akkad's son, Malek, is now taking some of the reigns on this new "Halloween" project to continue the outstanding work begun by his father. Malek Akkad stated, "Trancas is very excited to be working with Rob Zombie and producing another 'Halloween' with Bob Weinstein and Dimension, the home of the franchise for the last three installments. It will be a fitting and worthy tribute to my late father."

"I am thrilled to be working again with Rob and with Dimension Films on such an iconic project that will reinvigorate 'Halloween' and Michael Myers in a truly terrifying new way," stated Andy Gould, Rob Zombie's long time manager and producer of Zombie's two previous films.

Richard Saperstein, president of production, Matthew Stein, senior vice president of production and Alex Franklin, director of development and production will oversee the project on behalf of Dimension. Bret McCartney of Trancas International will oversee production on behalf of Trancas.


Trancas International Films to Produce Along With Rob Zombie and Andy Gould

NEW YORK, NEW YORK (June 4, 2006) – Dimension Films is proud to announce that they will make a new "Halloween" movie with Rob Zombie (The Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses) writing, directing and serving as a producer. Malek Akkad of Trancas International Films (Halloween H20: 20 Years Later) will produce the feature along with Andy Gould of Vision Entertainment Group (The Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses). Zombie will also serve as music supervisor on the film. Miramax Films will co-finance the development with Dimension Films. The announcement was made today by The Weinstein Company co-chairman, Bob Weinstein.

Zombie's vision of this film is an entirely new take on the legend and will satisfy fans of the classic "Halloween" legacy while beginning a new chapter in the Michael Myers saga. This new movie will not only appeal to horror fans, but to a wider movie-going audience as well. It will not be a copycat of any prior films in the "Halloween" franchise. The film is set for an October 2007 theatrical release.

Bob Weinstein stated, "Rob Zombie is a gifted musician and performer as well as a talented filmmaker. His vision for this new 'Halloween' is spectacular and I am thrilled to be collaborating with him and to work closely with Malek Akkad to continue the legacy built by his father, the late Moustapha Akkad."

Zombie said, "I have been a huge, huge fan of John Carpenter's original film since its release. So when Bob Weinstein approached me about this, I jumped at the chance to join forces with Dimension Films on this amazing project."

The "Halloween" story began with the 1978 release of "John Carpenter's Halloween," executive produced by the late Moustapha Akkad, founder of Trancas International Films and became the highest grossing independent film of the time. Moustapha Akkad's son, Malek, is now taking some of the reigns on this new "Halloween" project to continue the outstanding work begun by his father. Malek Akkad stated, "Trancas is very excited to be working with Rob Zombie and producing another 'Halloween' with Bob Weinstein and Dimension, the home of the franchise for the last three installments. It will be a fitting and worthy tribute to my late father."

"I am thrilled to be working again with Rob and with Dimension Films on such an iconic project that will reinvigorate 'Halloween' and Michael Myers in a truly terrifying new way," stated Andy Gould, Rob Zombie's long time manager and producer of Zombie's two previous films.

Richard Saperstein, president of production, Matthew Stein, senior vice president of production and Alex Franklin, director of development and production will oversee the project on behalf of Dimension. Bret McCartney of Trancas International will oversee production on behalf of Trancas.

Andrew Kramer, executive vice president of business and legal affairs, and Lumumba Mosquera, senior vice president of business and legal affairs, negotiated on behalf of Dimension Films. Attorneys David Fox and Jeffrey Light of Myman Abell Fineman Greenspan & Light negotiated on behalf of Rob Zombie. Attorney Wayne Kazan of Weissmann Wolff Bergman Coleman & Silverman negotiated on behalf of Akkad. Rob Zombie is represented by Paradigm.


An auteur filmmaker and music artist with shrewd insight and creative vision, Rob Zombie challenges audiences as he stretches the boundaries of film, music and publishing.

Zombie is the longest active artist on Geffen Records and has sold in excess of fifteen million records. He is currently on a sold-out nationwide tour for his latest gold-selling album, "Educated Horses." which debuted at number five on the Billboard Top 200.

In 2000, Zombie jumped from music to film with his directorial debut and cult smash hit, "House of 1000 Corpses." Due to the film success Zombie returned in 2004 to helm its follow up the critically acclaimed, "The Devil's Rejects." Zombie was hailed by critics and fans alike as a visionary filmmaker due to the film's uncompromising and wildly inventive exploitive throw-back style.

Prior to "House of 1000 Corpses," Zombie directed dozens of high profile music videos. In 1995 Zombie won an MTV Music Video Award for "More Human Than Human," becoming the first self-directed artist to win such an award.

After the success of "The Devil's Rejects," Zombie entered the world of animation with "The Haunted World of El Superbeasto" a feature length film in production at IDT.


Malek Akkad is a twenty-year veteran of the entertainment industry. Under his guidance, Trancas International Films, has evolved into a diverse entertainment company, involved in production, distribution, management, music publishing and merchandising.

Akkad has produced the last three installments of the successful "Halloween" franchise, distributed by Dimension films, and is currently producing "Halloween 9." Some other producing credits include "Walking After Midnight," "The Psychic Murders," the recently completed, "Made In Brooklyn," and the documentary, "Halloween: 25 Years of Terror."

As a director, Akkad has numerous commercials and music videos to his credit, including clients such as Coke Cola, and artists like Lo-Ball, Simon Shaheen & Kazem. He also directed the feature film, "The Psychic Murders," starring James Russo, Henry Rollins, and Terry Farrell. He is currently developing "The Princess of Alhambra," a sweeping historical epic set in medieval Spain, based on a script by Oscar winning screenwriter, Robert Bolt.

Akkad's company, Trancas, also manages a vibrant film library, including titles such as "Halloween," "Halloween 4," "Halloween 5," "Hell Night," and "Lion of the Desert." It also runs a merchandising department, and the music publishing company, Jack-O-Lantern Music. Trancas has recently opened television and management divisions, with several projects in development, and a roster of recognizable talent.

Tring Entertainments is Akkad's overseas affiliate, handling Trancas' library internationally, with offices in Twickenham Film Studios, home to such legendary productions such as "Reds," "Ghandi," "Blade Runner," "Donnie Brasco," "Interview with a Vampire" and Superman II & III, to name a few.

Akkad's newly formed Paranormal Pictures, in association with Jon Sheinberg's The Machine, has recently completed production of the mob comedy, "Made In Brooklyn." The company has also produced the upcoming release from Anchor Bay Entertainment, "Halloween: 25 Years of Terror."

Source: Dimension Films, Bloody-Disgusting
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Naja... wenigstens eine offizielle Ankündigung, ich dachte schon, in der Richtung tut sich gar nichts mehr.  :icon_confused:
NEVER use a knife if you attack Seagal. NEVER. It's not your weapon, it's his.


Rob Zombie's 'Halloween' a Prequel/Remake...

Earlier this morning (here) we scored an exclusive first look at the press release announcing shock-rocker Rob Zombie (Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses) to write, direct and produce the next Halloween film. The details were very vague and still left us with many questions... such as is this a sequel, prequel or a remake? The press release only specified that it would be in theaters October of 2007, along with a little blurb stating that integrity would be kept in Dimension's franchise. Now that word is out on the street, reports are coming in with more details, which can be found inside...

"This is a bit of a prequel and a remake, combined," Zombie tells Variety.

"Over 25 years and a lot of movies, a very scary character became something of a Halloween cliche, with Michael Myers dolls that play the Halloween music when you press their stomachs. By the end of the sequel cycle, there was little connection to the original. I take that film very seriously, and I want to make it terrifying again."

Before signing on, Zombie said he sought out Carpenter, who has had several of his films remade.

"The original 'Halloween' is hallowed ground to me, and I talked to him about it and he was very supportive of what I wanted to do," Zombie said.

Watch for more news as it comes in...

(Bloody Disgusting)
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


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