The Expendables (Stallone, Statham)

Begonnen von Gooseman, 6 November 2008, 20:06:55

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0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


Zitat von: Ong-Bockel am 14 Oktober 2009, 16:05:43
Ist Dolph nicht ein ehemaliges Mitglied der Expendables, der als Verräter die Seiten gewechselt hat? Er sagt doch im Trailer: "I used to be one of them!" ;)

So ist es. Er ist ein wenig durchgedreht, à la Sgt. Andrew Scott. Kann es kaum erwarten! Endlich wieder "Mad Dolph", das kann er m.E. am besten! Sehr schade, dass man so wenig von ihm sieht im Trailer. Hoffe, dass es im Film besser wird.


Gibt es nen alernativen Trailerlink? Das Youtubevideo ist aufrgrund von Urheberrechtsverletzungen in "meinem" Land gesperrt :doof: :algoschaf:



We'll never stop, we'll never quit, 'cause we're Metallica!!!
Meine Musik


Hat nix mit euren Ländern zu tun. Bei mir geht es nun auch nicht mehr dank Lionsgate! :anime:


Wovor fürchten sich diese Gaylords? Dass die Leute den Trailer gut finden und den Film sehen wollen? Idioten ...  :doof:  :hacki:

Falls jemand einen Link entdeckt, bitte sofort hier posten  :icon_twisted: :king: :love:


Vielen Dank  :love: :king: :king: :king: :respekt: Geiler Trailer  :dodo:


Naja, ehrlich gesagt haut mich der Trailer jetzt so gar nicht vom Hocker.  :icon_confused:
Ich hoffe es gibt noch einen "aussagekräftigeren" Final Trailer.
Sonst mache ich mich Sorgen...


Es ist leichter eine Pistole zu beherrschen als meine Gitarre...leichter zu zerstören als zu erschaffen. (A. Banderas in Desperado)
Give the guy a gun and he is superman, give him two and he is god! (Hard Boiled)


Gibt es eventuell auch einen Downloadlink für ein Mpeg oder so? Ich habe keinen Flashplayer installiert und möchte es eigentlich
auch gar nicht ...

Schöne Grüße


Sly, Arnold and Bruce Shoot Expendables Scene
Source:Ethelmae's Blog, October 27, 2009

On Saturday, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis shot a scene together for The Expendables, which Lionsgate has scheduled for an August 20, 2010 release. Ethelmae's Blog has posted a description of how it all went down. Here's a clip:

After Arnold, Bruce and Sly went through the scene a couple of times they all 3 headed off to wardrobe and make-up. at 8:10am with three cameras rolling the biggest action icons of our time went to work. I thought it was electric in Brazil when all of The Expendables stepped on set – but today was atomic!!!! the whole crew was mesmerized as we watched the three of them play off of each other in a pivotal scene that sets up the whole movie. And while I can't/don't want to give too much away I can tell you that Arnold's character is Trench and Bruce is Church, the scene was shot in an empty church without extras and minimal set dec and it has tension and humor – what more can a girl ask for! Sly was in top form as a director today and was in total command. Bruce and Arnold were consummate professionals at all times – we got through the scene quickly without compromise. In 6 hours we did wide shots, close-ups, turned around...the whole nine yards...pretty impressive. Very Clint Eastwood.

You can read the full write-up here:

Written and directed by Stallone, the film also stars Terry Crews, Randy Couture, Eric Roberts, Mickey Rourke, Jet Li, Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren, Charisma Carpenter, Giselle Itie, Brittany Murphy, David Zayas and Amin Joseph. The action-adventure follows a team of mercenaries on a mission to overthrow a South American dictator.
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Sehr witzig:

ZitatOther than that we had no looky-loos or p'razzi.  I was, however, amused by the guy who drove by as the 3 guys were walking to their trailers – he almost fell out of his car...nice.


:) Hehehe, gute PR, egal ob das nun so genau stimmt oder nicht.
Jedenfalls wird das ein Fest, selbst wenn die Story totaler Käse sein sollte.


The U.S. release from Cyborg was heavily cut to earn an "R" rating rather than an "X"


USA      13 August 2010     
Germany    2 September 2010    

Quelle: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1320253/releaseinfo

Oder ist das nicht offizielle? o_O Bitte sagen, falls ich mich irre^^


The U.S. release from Cyborg was heavily cut to earn an "R" rating rather than an "X"


Noch bis September warten ? Will Sly & Co früher sehen ! Schmoll ... :icon_cool:
meine katze heisst nibbler


Zitat von: Gooseman am 28 Februar 2010, 00:48:08
Erste Testscreenings sind durch

Klingt ja zumindest recht brauchbar, was man da so liest. Wenn es aber wirklich so sein sollte, dass Br. Murphy´s Auftritt der Schere zum Opfer fiel, würde ich das sehr schade (um nicht zu sagen: traurig) finden. Aber vielleicht spart man sich den ja für die BluRay-Langfassung auf...  ;)
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Zitat von: Gooseman am 28 Februar 2010, 00:48:08

Zitat"I saw some of the most famous action stars of our time sharing the screen and killing baddies in ways I never even knew possible."
Haha, GENAU DAS, was ich erwarte  :icon_mrgreen:
Klingt doch alles sehr schick  :respekt:

Spoiler: zeige
These three guys shared some dialogue among each other conclude by a funny one liner about Schwarzenegger becoming president. Unfortunately we may never see these guys in kicking ass action because they are way passed their prime. You will be shocked as I was as to how old and out of shape Schwarzenegger looked. There's even a fat joke about him.
  :icon_eek:, weiß nicht so ganz, was ich davon halten soll...


"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Wurde auf der ShoWest 2010 abgelichtet:

"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Ist mal was durchgesickert, wann ein offizieller Teaser/Trailer veröffentlicht wird ?

Mr. Blonde

Zitat von: Strahlemann am 18 März 2010, 22:52:50
Ist mal was durchgesickert, wann ein offizieller Teaser/Trailer veröffentlicht wird ?

Was stimmt denn mit dem nicht?

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Scheint ja mehr ne Sneak Peek zu sein. Auch gibts davon keine Versionen in besserer Qualität

"You're so beautiful, like a tree or a high-class prostitute."


Zitat von: KeyserSoze am 18 März 2010, 23:16:11
Scheint ja mehr ne Sneak Peek zu sein. Auch gibts davon keine Versionen in besserer Qualität



Der erste offizielle Trailer wurde gerade erst auf der ShoWest gezeigt - sollte also demnächst mal online gehen...  ;)

Spoiler: zeige
It opens with five or six motorcycles riding in the dark, then we get a shorter version of the scene where the main group of guys rappel down and are surrounded by terrorist types, so Statham and Stallone decide which of them is going to take out which opponent and they start shooting.

The voiceover talks about how, "They are the world's greatest mercenaries" and that the only thing they know is war, and their only loyalty being to each other.

We get a quick glimpse of Arnold Schwarzenegger which went over really well with the crowd, especially when we see that he's talking to Bruce Willis (We missed what they said, but both of them are expected to appear in just one scene).

During this, there is a title scroll hyping up the story about how "The job's real" and something about the money, then it goes onto say that "a job no one wanted is becoming a mission they never expected" and that "they must make the ultimate (something)" for "a chance to change history." Of course, we were trying our best to scribble down notes as it all went flying by so fast, so we didn't exactly catch what that mission was but the trailer makes it clear that whatever it is, it involves a lot of shooting and explosions.

"What's the plan?" Statham asks at one point, to which Stallone responds, "There is no plan." Terry Crews then makes a crack about how, "They've got an army, and what have we got? Four-and-a-half men" referring to Jet Li, who responds, "Not so funny."

The trailer then shows the main guys getting into a lot of hand-to-hand combat against some of the baddies, who are mainly played by professional wrestlers and fighters like "Stone Cold" Steve Austen and Randy Couture. After one such fight, Stallone makes a crack like "I just got my ass kicked."

After a few more action shots including a helicopter firing rockets and more explosions, it then lists the last names of the main stars including Statham, Li, Lundgren, Rourke, Austen, Couture and of course, Stallone, showing each of them in action, but it's mostly a lot of quick-cut close-ups so we don't really get much of a sense of what is going on, unlike the promo trailer which showed longer fight sequences.

It ends with a scene of Stallone shooting at something near Statham, who frantically ducks then, gets up hitting the top of his head yelling, "Are you crazy?" to which Stallone yells back, "You're welcome!"  (Comingsoon.net)
"Diane, last night I dreamt I was eating a large,  tasteless gumdrop and awoke to discover I was chewing one of my foam disposable earplugs.
Perhaps  I should consider moderating my nighttime coffee consumption...."
(Agent Dale B.Cooper - "Twin Peaks")


Die Poster sind echt geil :) Den Clip oben finde ich sehr gut. Hoffe der Film hält was er verspricht....
We'll never stop, we'll never quit, 'cause we're Metallica!!!
Meine Musik

Mr. Blonde

Zitat von: AB am 31 März 2010, 21:20:03
Official Trailer


Der Trailer rockt, obwohl es so unglaublich unwirklich wirkt.  :icon_eek: Ich bin stolz, dass ich so einen Film noch erleben darf.  :respekt:

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